Thursday, March 21, 2013


WE CAN HELP AND WE HAVE TO ..WE MUST HELP BY 1. Using our washing machine only when it is filled to its total capacity. We can save about 4500 litres per month in this process. 2. Avoid using a shower for bathing. Try using a bucket instead. This will help us save about 150-200 litres everyday. 3. Turn off the tap while brushing and save more than 200 litres of water every month. 4. Stop participating in water playing Holi. As we all know, a massive quantity of water is wasted during this festival is going to celebrated now and this week only for 4-5 days 5. Don't waste it BY WASHING CAR OR VEHICLE DAILY .... 6. Use sprinklers to water the plants provided we have a large garden only and in rare situations . 7. Ensure that our home has no leakages. Also check whether all water bottles are closed properly. 8. Use small glasses for drinking water. The smaller the container, the less consumption of water. 9. Whenever we waste water, just think about those millions of people who still struggle to save every drop of water for their survival...Monthly or whenever we get free , think of helping and working as a volunteer to help people get water and save water.. 10. Lastly, spread awareness regarding water conservation..water saved or conserved is water earned alert and inform the government authorities in the area if we find any leakage .. HAPPY HOLI TO ONE AND ALL IT IS THE PERFECT TIME TO START THINKING ABOUT "SAVE WATER "..THANKS TO THE RAJASTHAN PATRIKA THE NO.1 NEWS PAPER ..other media people need to follow in public interest.. Regards..

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