Friday, May 8, 2015

memorandum on proposed GSTbill by KHAGA

Hon. Shri Arun Jaitely Ji The Union Finance Minister Government of India Room No-134, North Block NEW DELHI - 110001 RESPECTED SIR, Date: MAY,9TH,2015 SUBJECT- Goods and Service Tax in India Respected Sir, We the members of “KARNATAKA HOSIERY AND GARMENT ASSOCIATION” representing traders and manufacturers hereby represent our point of view on the Proposed “Goods and Service Tax” :- WE FEEL THAT TO BE INSPIRED IS A GREAT BUT TO INSPIRE IS INCREDIBLE...GST MUST BE IN SUCH A FORMAT WHICH INSPIRES AND MOTIVATES THE WHOLE NATION TO CONTRIBUTE TOWARDS THE EXCHEQUER VIA GST...DISCUSS IN LENGTH WITH THE TRADE ASSOCIATIONS AND FINAL RESULT WILL BE EXTRA-ORDINARY...ALL THE BEST... 1. The Proposed Goods and Service Tax is being introduced in our country is not in the “Standard format” of the GST and it is a dual tax on which both state and Centre will collect tax on a single transaction of sale of supply of Goods and Services. The trade and Industry have been waiting for a Indirect tax in which only one tax would be there, but sir proposed GST is not as per the expectation of large number of trade and Industry. 2. Sir, at present the central excise is being charged on the value of more than 1.50 Crore but in the proposed system CGST replacing the Central excise will be imposed on Rs. 10.00 Lakhs, hence large number of dealers will have to pay CGST who at present are not covered the central excise. 3. The rate of Tax as proposed (Coming in the News) is 26% (CGST14% Plus SGST 12%) which is very high considering the fact most of non exciseable goods are charged at present 5% or at the most 14%. Sir, how the trade and industry will face this high rate of Tax and this on one side will certainly result in evasion of Tax and ultimately will hurt the Indian Trade and Industry and Economy and on the other side will be instrumental in high price rise adversely effecting the common consumer. 4. The whole system of GST will depend on Information technology and the speed and capacity of Internet in our country is not up to the mark. The dealers of VAT who are facing lot of problems with information technology system of the states and will face more problems when GST is introduced without substantial improvement of the Information system. 5. Sir, the Government itself is not clear about the RNR (Revenue neutral rate) hence there is lot of confusion about the success of the GST and there is still confusion of Taxability of petroleum products. The Govt. should try to introduce GST covering all the products and commodities instead of creating confusions.“ 6. Sir, It is long time promise to scrap the Central sales Tax but it appears that the Government wants to continue 1% tax on interstate sales and this is against the Government promise and it is requested to consider the same. 7. KHAGA strongly urges upon to keep food grains, textiles, edible oil and oil seeds on zero tax rate...Readymade garment being a basic necessity needs special attention too....After agricultute, garment industry provides highest employment in India... Respect sir, we as the representatives of the Small Trade and Industry covering karnataka are not against the basic concept of “Goods and Service Tax” but sir the Indian economy and Trade and Industry will get the proper benefit of the GST once it is introduced in its “Standrad Format “and only one indirect tax is introduced instead of this proposed dual GST. We request your good self to start working on a “National Goods and service Tax” under a central collecting agency and distribute the revenue of the same between the states and the Centre and if this is not possible in the present political situations then please postpone the proposed “Goods and Service Tax” for the overall benefit of the Trade and Industry. Thanking you in anticipation. With warm regards SAJJAN RAJ MEHTA CHAIRMAN..TAXATION COMMITTEE KARNATAKA HOSIERY & GARMENT ASSOCIATION (KHAGA) BANGALORE 09845501150

Sunday, May 3, 2015

भगवान महावीर पर रोचक जानकारी

महावीर मुसलमान थे। क्योंकि उनके पास मुकम्मल ईमान थे। महावीर सिख थे। क्योंकि वे सितम करने से ख़बरदार करते थे। महावीर हिन्दू थे। क्योंकि वे हिंसा से दूर थे और सब जीवों से प्यार करते थे। महावीर पारसी थे। क्योंकि उनमें संसार के पार देखने की क्षमता थी। महावीर आर्यसमाजी थे। क्योंकि उनमें सत्य के प्रति ममता थी। हाँ, महावीर बुद्ध थे। क्योंकि उनके उसूल दुर्बुद्धि के विरुद्ध थे। …और हाँ! महावीर इसाई भी थे क्योंकि वे इंसानियत के साईं भी थे। लेकिन, महावीर जैन थे। …क्योंकि उनकी वाणी में हमारी जिव्हा की तरह कटु बैन नहीं थे; उनके हृदय में श्वेताम्बर-दिगम्बर का झगड़ा न था; उनके अन्तस् में बीस और तेरह का रगड़ा न था; वे नियम थोपते नहीं थे; वे हिंसा रोपते नहीं थे; वे नित नए धर्म गढ़ते नहीं थे; वे लकीर के फ़क़ीर बनकर लड़ते नहीं थे; वे हमारी तरह ढोंगी नहीं थे; वे दिन के जोगी रात के भोगी नहीं थे; वे तो आडम्बरों के बिन थे सचमुच…….. मेरे महावीर जैन नही थे ….’जिन’ थे। ‘जिनस्य अनुयायी इति जैनः’ संकलनकरता जैन सज्जन राज मेहता


Perfect way towards moving forward & rising against the tide in a modern democratic India is to EMPOWER the youth in our community to meet challenges and have sustained development with Jain principles... Nobody wants to be left behind. This calls for an innovative social measure..JAIN YUVA SANGATHAN NEVER MISSES THE GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY FOR THE WELFARE OF JAIN COMMUNITY AND JAINISM AND THUS WE ARE ARRANGING THIS NOBLE PROGRAMME.. Let us all join hands together to EMPOWER OUR JAIN YOUTHS.. Unity can alone be our strength. It is better late than never. So for all those aspiring, dynamic Jain youths, who are determined to go ahead and take the reins of our nation’s up-liftment into their own hands and thus become a glorious role model for all for years to come, Kindly spread the word to everyone in your committee/area to help spread this initiative as far as possible. Have a great time ahead and wish you all peace and prosperity. A life changing session with SRI JAIN RAHUL KAPUR..AN EMINENT SPEAKER,TRULY WORLD CLASS WITH A SOUND KNOWLEDGE OF JAINISM... DATE-SUNDAY-MAY 24TH VENUE-AMBEDKAR BHAWAN..NEAR CANTONMENT RAILWAY STATION REGN & BREAKFAST-9AM TO 10AM GATES CLOSED-10.10AM SHARP LUNCH-1.30PM To register sms JYS your name, age, email id to 9664172929 Age limit 16-30 ​Jain Sajjan Raj Mehta​


प्रेस रिलीज अपील ​ खागा अपनी व्यावसायिक जिम्मेदारिओं के अलावा सामाजिक जिम्मेवारिओं को आप सभी सदस्यों के तन -मन-धन से प्रदत्त सहयोग की बदौलत बखूबी निभाता आया है और रहेगा। नेपाल में हाल ही में आये भीषण भूकम्प और विनाशकारी तबाही हमारे सहयोग की आकांक्षी है तथा कार्यसमिति ने इस बार भी राहत सामग्री भेजने का महत्वपूर्ण बीड़ा उठाया है। आवश्यक कार्यवाही को आपके सहकार से शीघ्र ही अंजाम तक पहुंचाया जाएगा। > > > > सब सदस्यों से सविनय निवेदन है कि सदा की तरह आप सभी इच्छुक दानदाता आगे बढ़कर अपनी तरफ से उपयोगी रेडीमेड कपडे या नकद धनराशि खागा के पदाधिकारिओं को सम्पर्क कर प्रदान करावे। कर्म निर्जरा के अनूठे अनुष्ठान में अपनी दानराशि का सदुपयोग कर दींन ;दुखियों का दुख बांटकर पुण्यार्जन कर खागा को कृतार्थ करावे। खागा के पूर्व के राहत कार्य चाहे उड़ीसा ,लातूर,मंगलोर,राजस्थान या तामिलनाड सुनामी के वक्त के भागीरथ प्रयासों में आपका सहयोग, विश्वास और समर्थन प्रशंसनीय रहा है। > > हमारा अभियान - आपका समर्थन > > > निवेदक- क़र्नाटक हौजरी एंड गारमेंट एसोसिएशन > > > > > संयोजक -नेपाल राहत समिति सज्जन राज मेहता 9845501150