Thursday, February 25, 2010

चौदह स्वप्नों का फलादेश

चौदह स्वप्नों का फलादेश

मनुष्यों को नौ तरह के स्वप्न आते है ;-अनुभव किया हुआ;सुना हुआ;देखा हुआ;प्रकृति के विकास से उत्पन्न हुआ;धर्म कार्य के प्रभाव से;पाप के उदय से;चिंता की परंपरा से;देवता के उपदेश से और स्वभाव से उत्पन्न हुए..पहले प्रकार के स्वप्नों से देखा हुआ स्वप्न निष्फल जाता है और बाद के तीन प्रकार के देखे हुए स्वप्न फलदायी होते है..रात्रि के चारो प्रहरों में देखा हुआ स्वप्न बारह,छह,तीन तथा एक मास में अनुक्रम से फलदायक होता है..रात्री की अंतिम दो घड़ियों में देखा हुआ स्वप्न दस दिन में ही फल देता है तथा सूर्योदय के समय देखा हुआ स्वप्न निश्चय ही तुरंत फलदायक होता है

माता त्रिशला ने भी ये चौदह ही प्रशस्त महास्वप्न देखे थे .''.स्वप्न लक्षण पाठको ने उस समय फरमाया था -आपको अर्थ का लाभ,भोग का लाभ, पुत्र का लाभ, सुख का लाभ और राज्य का लाभ होगा.आपके कुल में ध्वज समान, दीपक समान,मुकुट समान,पर्वत समान,तिलक समान,कुल की कीर्ति करने वाला ,कुल का निर्वाह करने वाला.कुल में सूर्य समान,कुल का आधाररूप, कुल का यश कराने वाला, कुल के वृक्ष के समान,कुल की परंपरा को बढ़ाने वाला ,सुकोमल हाथ पैर वाला ,परिपूर्ण पंचेन्द्रिय युक्त शरीर वाला,लक्षण और व्यंजनों के गुणों से युक्त,मान-उनमान के प्रमाण परिपूर्ण और achchi तरह प्रकट हुए अवयवों से सुन्दर अंगो वाला चन्द्र समान मनोहर आकृति वाला,प्रिय,प्रियदर्शन और सुन्दर रूपवाला ऐसे पुत्र को जन्म देगी तथा वह पुत्र बाल्य वस्था पूर्ण कर परिपक्व विज्ञानं वाला होगा,यौवनावस्था को प्राप्त होगा तथावः charon दिशाओं का स्वामी चक्रवर्ती होगा या तीन लोक का नायक धर्म चक्रवर्ती,चार गति का नाश करने वाला धर्म चक्र का प्रवर्तन करके तीर्थंकर बनेगा॥''

चौदह स्वप्नों का पृथक-पृथक फल
..चार हाथ वाला हाथी देखने से वह चार प्रकार के धर्म को कहने वाला होगा
..वृषभ को देखने से वह इस भरत क्षेत्र से बोधी बीज का वपन करेगा
..सिंह के देखने से वह कामदेवादिक जो उन्मत्त हाथी है, जिनसे भवजीव रूपी वन नष्ट होता है उन्हें मर्दन कर भव्य जीवो का रक्षण करेगा
..लक्ष्मी देखने से वार्षिक दान देकर तीर्थंकर पद के अपार ऐश्वर्य का उपभोग करेगा..
..माला देखने से तीनो भुवन के मस्तक पर धारण करने योग्य arthaat त्रिलोक पूज्य होगा
..चन्द्रमा देखने से भव्य जीव रूप चंद्रविकासी कमलों को विकसित करने वाला होगा-जगत को आल्हाद देने वाला होगा
..सूर्य देखने से कान्ति के मंडल से विभूषित होगा,अज्ञान अन्धकार को नष्ट करके ज्ञान का प्रकाश करेगा
..ध्वज को देखने से वह धर्म-ध्वज से विभूषित होगा,धर्म-ध्वजा को विश्व में लहराएगा
..कलश देखने से धर्म रूपी प्रासाद के शिखर पर कलश रूप होगा
१०..पद्म सरोवर देखने से देवताओ द्वारा संचारित किये हुए कमलों पर वह विचरेगा
११..समुद्र को देखने से वह केवल ज्ञान केवल दर्शन गुण रूप रत्नों के स्थान समान होगा
१२..देव-विमान देखने से वह वैमानिक देवताओ का पूजनीय होगा
१३..रत्न राशी देखने से वह रत्नों जडित तीन गढ़ युक्त समवसरण से विभूषित होगा
१४..निर्धूम अग्नि देखने से वह भव्यजन रूप सुवर्ण को शुद्ध करने वाला होगा

चौदह स्वप्नों का सम्मिलित फल यह है कि चौदह राजलोकात्मक लोक के अग्रभाग पर रहने वाला arthaat सिद्ध शीला पर रहने वाला होगा...

उपरोक्त तथ्यों से वर्णित होता है कि हमारे लिए इन चौदह स्वप्नों का कितना विशेष महत्व है..कहावत है कि ''जैसा अन्न वैसा मन''arthaat अगर यूँ कहे कि जैसा देखेंगे वैसी ही हमारी सोच होगी ..''जैसी दृष्टी वैसी सृष्टि'...इसी परम लक्ष्य के ध्यानार्थ इस बार जैन युवा संगठन ने ''चौदह स्वप्न 'आप श्री को स्मृति चिन्ह के रूप में उपलब्ध कराया है...

आशा ही नहीं,परम विश्वास है कि आप इसे सराहेंगे...जय जिनेन्द्र ..जय महावीर

जैन सज्जन राज

Wednesday, February 24, 2010



Wow..What a historic moment for all of us..Sachin at the age of 36 does what a player of repute couldn't do in the twenties..We are told that History repeat itself but then so does Sachin..Perhaps no one has changed the course of history as much as he himself..History is simply a record of man's intelligence-or lack of it..Whatever said about the genius will not be sufficient to match his calibre or capacity as records are following him irrespective of his intentions..

Nobody will ever remember how you look or how you speak.What matters the most is what you did for the country -Only thing they will remember or cherish life long about him is how he made us feel whenever the situation arised..I feel for Sachin "PRESTIGE OR GRANDEUR IS NOT AS IMPORTANT AT ALL;FAITH AND DEVOTION ARE MORE OF UTMOST IMPORTANCE".





Tuesday, February 23, 2010

OLD problems, NEW solutions in times on 1.12.08

Publication: Times Of India Bangalore; Date: Dec 1, 2008; Section: Times City; Page: 5


OLD problems, NEW solutions

Rebuilding Old Bangalore does not seem viable in the short to medium term. But there are other things government bodies and traders can do to bring order, find Sujit John & Mini Joseph Tejaswi, in the concluding part of our series on the area


Poor parking facilities and narrow, congested roads are easily the biggest problems of Old Bangalore. Roads are made narrower by two-wheelers parked along them. So a barely 20-ft-wide road becomes a 10-ft road where both vehicles move and pedestrians walk. On Avenue Road, parking is not allowed, but you still see four-wheelers parked illegally.

Venu P R, the third-generation owner of Jayalakshmi & Co that sells antique jewellery, says he gets the cream of customers, including NRIs. “But the lack of parking has created a lot of problems. A woman used to come in a Benz to buy from us. One day an auto scraped against her car, after which her

husband told her not to come to this area even if she gets a saving of Rs 1 lakh,” he says. Many customers now tell him to come to their homes with his wares, and he is forced to oblige.

Ashok Kumar of Archana Book House, whose father started the store in 1979, says ever since parking was banned on Avenue Road about four years ago, his business has fallen some 50%. “I’m losing business to markets in places like Jayanagar and Malleswaram,” he says.

T N Natesan of P Thandava Mudaliar & Sons, a wholesale cloth merchant, also says he is losing business because of parking issues. “Parking of four-wheelers is not possible anywhere,” he says.

Everybody we spoke to recommended the creation of multi-storey parking facilities on some BBMP plots in the area, to enable more four-wheelers to park and get two-wheelers off the roads. The Bundimoot plot is on everybody’s mind. At present, lorries are parked there illegally, and shops have occupied space, again illegally.

Suresh Manandi, president of Bangalore Wholesale Cloth Merchants’ Association, says if the BBMP were to maintain the City Market parking facility well, that would help. “Currently, 50% of that cannot be used because it’s in a pathetic condition,” he says.

G V Sreedhar, secretary of The Jewellers’ Association, requested the authorities one year ago for mini-buses from City Market through Avenue Road, State Bank of Mysore, KG Road and back to City Market, “so that people could park in Market or Mysore Bank and come here”. This, he says, will reduce traffic congestion and pollution.

Hawkers also need to be removed from pavements, and all the shops that extend their display of goods on to the footpaths need to be stopped from doing so — “so that pedestrians can walk on pavements rather than on the roads”, says B K Goyal, secretary of the Federation of Trade Associations of Central Bangalore.


Nagarathpet Road represents all that’s wrong with old Bangalore. The BBMP started work to concretize this stretch almost two months ago. Today, you would dread to walk on it. It’s been dug up by several agencies.

Mohan Rao of Ravishankar Traders, a hosiery dealer, says he is barely doing 25% of normal sales. “Every day, 4-5 people, including pregnant women, fall into potholes,” he says.

Ashok Kumar Jain of Woollen Textiles, who has been in the business for 40 years, is particularly frustrated. He sells blankets and other winter products. “This is peak season for us, and nobody is willing to come here,” he says. H G Parekh, a Congress leader who has stayed in this area for the past 60 years, notes that the BBMP commissioner’s office is just a two-minute walk from here. “But he does not notice the problem,” he says.

When TOI asked for an explanation from BBMP contractor Narayana Gowda, he said, “Bescom and telecom companies are laying cables. BWSSB is replacing a pipe. These bodies have promised us work will be over soon. The road will be ready by December-end.’’


Almost every trader also complains about the severe shortage of toilets, and the poor condition of those that exist. B K Goyal notes that shortage of toilets is a huge problem for customers, especially women, and says most associations in the area are willing to spend money to construct and maintain toilets. “The BBMP should allow that,” he says.

The decades-old drainage system also needs to be completely changed. Sajjan Raj Mehta, president of the Karnataka Hosiery & Garments Association, says most drains in the Chickpet-Mamulpet area are choked, causing flooding of roads during rain.


Build multi-storey parking spaces, especially in Bundimoot, and then ban even two-wheelers from parking on all roads. Introduce a minibus system within the area. Clear hawkers from pavements, rehabilitate them Ban shops from extending their wares on to pavements Take strict action against those who violate building by-laws. Demolish structures that have violated excessively Overhaul the drainage system Concrete all pavements Allow trader associations to build and maintain toilets

Ashok Jain

B K Goyal

G V Sreedhar

Sajjan Mehta

This massive pile of garbage at the Nagarathpet Road-Avenue Road junction has been lying there for a month

Shops extend their wares on to pavements. Hawkers too merrily use footpaths to sell eatables, books, flowers

Saturday, February 20, 2010


आज विधान सभा में बजट पूर्व चर्चा में खागा कि तरफ से अध्यक्ष श्री पहाड़ सिंह राजपुरोहित और पूर्व अध्यक्ष श्री सज्जन राज मेहता ने भाग लिया..राजपुरोहित ने औडिट लिमिट ४० लाख से बढाकर १ करोड़ कि मांग रखी और सज्जन राज मेहता ने भी उसी बिंदु पर अपना पक्ष रखा और साथ ही चिच्क्पेट क्षेत्र के समन्वित विकास हेतु विशेष अनुदान कि मांग रखी..चिकपेट भला बुनियादी सुविधाओ से क्यों वांछित रहे..विधायक श्री सागर ,लोक निर्माण मंत्री श्री उदासी, और गृह मंत्री भी मुक्यमंत्री के साथ चर्चा में भाग ले रहे थे...

सज्जन राज मेहता
पूर्व अध्यक्ष..खागा

Sunday, February 14, 2010

State set to climb to top slot in hosiery trade’

State set to climb to top slot in hosiery trade’

Special Correspondent

Karnataka Hosiery and Garment Association portal launched

BANGALORE: The Karnataka Hosiery and Garment Association, headquartered here, is bracing up for launching the cluster development approach. This will bring Karnataka back into the prime position in the hosiery and garment trade, particularly when the industry in the State is showing signs of stabilisation in both cost effectiveness and expansion of market.

Speaking to presspersons on the sidelines of a function to launch the portal of the association, President of the Association Sajjan Raj Mehta said here on Wednesday that after Value Added Tax (VAT) was introduced in the country, the trade environment was changing for the better. He said Karnataka still enjoyed prime position in the hosiery trade despite the migration of the trade to Kerala and Tamil Nadu. With the cluster approach, the State would emerge as a leader in the trade, he said.

He said particularly after the recent rupee appreciation, the large-scale hosiery and garment exporters and wholesalers were turning to retail and local markets, which has become extremely competitive. This condition was in fact advantageous for the trade and to the larger sections of the industry. Mr. Mehta stated that it improved the quality of the garment, making it affordable to consumers.

Earlier, former minister and MLC H.K. Patil launched the portal .

The new portal is

BJP will lose votes if power cuts continue

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BJP will lose votes if power cuts continue

Bosky Khanna
Wednesday, July 1, 2009 9:47 IST
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Rampant power cuts in the city have not only been creating problems for households, it has hit the commercial and industrial sectors too, adversely affecting their business. Experts say that it is not just the responsibility of government officials, but citizens as well to conserve power. Sajjan Raj Mehta, president, Karnataka Hosiery and Garments Association spoke to Bosky Khanna, warning that the government might lose out on votes in the forthcoming corporation election, if they don't act quickly.

Is the power scenario in the state at its worst?
The power scenario was equally bad before the parliamentary polls, but at that time the state had purchased power from other states. Now, the power minister says he is unable to do so as the other states are not co-operating. Furthermore, the state is unable to generate adequate power due to water shortage. Now, BESCOM is trying to promote alternate means.

What are the alternatives available for us as well as the government?
People must be motivated to use 60% of power supplied; like, if a store uses 100 tubelights, it should now try to make do with only 60. CFLs are a good alternative. In fact, BESCOM had suggested this to malls around four months back, but the policies are yet to be strictly implemented. Solar lights and heaters can be ideal options. Also, the government must look to generate more power to meet the growing demand.

Why did the situation worsen and who is the most affected?
Commercial and industrial sectors have been badly hit. Though production may not be affected, owners are sure losing out as sometimes workers are forced to remain idle for hours due to power failure. But owners need to pay them despite the temporary shut down. In places like Chickpet, where there are around ten shops in a floor, even if one of them uses a generator, all neighbouring shops are exposed to noise and air pollution. Also, customers cannot be attended to properly in the dark.

What could be the root cause for this problem in market areas?
The power situation is so bad now that even people from villages visiting the city say they have a better power situation there. The problem lies in the fact that several shops are closely packed on narrow corridors, which have very less sunlight penetration. This forces them to use lights even during the day, unlike in villages where the markets are more ventilated and therefore, cuts down on demand for power. People here are forced to spend anywhere between Rs200- Rs2,500 on alternate lighting.

What should the government do now?
It is about time the government acts fast and introduces scheduled loadshedding as it will impact the upcoming corporation elections and the ruling BJP party might just lose out on its votes.

Chickpet awaits the saviour in DECCAN HERALD

Poll-Wards: Chickpet
Chickpet awaits the saviour
Sandeep Moudgal

The oldest business district of B’lore has the most ancient infrastructure too. Deccan Herald takes a look at lack of facilities.

With elections to the Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) fast approaching, the Chickpet ward under Gandhinagar Assembly constituency has come under sharp focus. This trader-dominated area has few, if any civic amenities.

Perhaps the oldest business district of Bangalore, Chickpet, known for its shops selling silk sarees, has a history going back to the 6th Century. It is said Kempe Gowda, using four pairs of oxen ploughed the land in four directions from the point at the junction of Chickpet and Doddapet in what is the first master plan for Bangalore.

The four tracks drawn by the oxen, became four important market roads. Later, parallel roads were formed and the different petes (markets) emerged to cater to different trades. The petes are: Nagarthapete, Akkipete, Ragipete, Balepete, Aralepete and Thigalarapete. Much later, Upparapete, Kurubarapete, Sunnakalpete, Golllarapete, Ganigarapete, Sultanpete, Cubbonpete came up.

Although it is among the City’s oldest areas, Chickpet is perhaps the biggest contributor to the State exchequer. And yet, it has been apparently marginalised in terms of development.

“MLAs and MPs come and go, but none of them have taken an interest in developing the ward,” asserts Sampath Raj, president of the Dyes and Chemicals Merchants’ Association. Raj, a trader here since the last 40 years, says that apart from civic troubles, even law and order has taken a backseat in Chickpet.

From potholes to craters, ancient drains and water supply pipelines to “irregular” garbage clearence, problems pile up daily for the people in Chickpet. With no proper footpaths for pedestrian crossings in the main roads of Chickpet, citizens are forced to walk on the streets braving heavy vehicle traffic.

BVK Iyengar Road

A walk along BVK Iyengar road confirms the problems narrated by the trading community. Businessmen are in perennial fear of losing their customers in this area.

“Look at the stretch of road here in front of my shop. It was built nearly 20 years ago. Compare this to BVK Iyengar road that was recently asphalted and still has craters that are at least one foot deep. Who would like to drive on it?” wonders G R Prasad, who owns one of the oldest glass and plywood stores in Chickpet.

The old drainage system and the overflowing sullage water, the narrow roads and the traffic jams have taken their toll on the businesses. The drainage in Chickpet is ancient. Recently, while concreting roads, civic agencies blocked even those drains, complained Parameshwara, an employee in a shop.

Yet, Sajjan Raj Mehta, co-chairman of Karnataka Hosiery and Garment Association co-chairman, strikes an optimistic note. “We need Councillors who can constantly keep in touch with the local MLAs and BBMP officials, apart from the media. If a person with a track record of getting things done is elected in the coming election, that will certainly help in developing the area,” he said.

In the last two-three months, there has been a slight improvement with BBMP officials showing some alacrity in repairing and maintaining the roads, Mehta observed. But only a proactive Councillor can save the Ward, he feels.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

गौ-हत्या निषेध कानून की सोच पर साधुवाद और समर्थन की अप्पील

गौ-हत्या निषेध कानून की सोच पर साधुवाद और समर्थन की अप्पील

कर्नाटका सरकार माननीय मुख्यमंत्री महोदय श्री बी.एस.येद्द्य्युरप्पाजी के कुशल नेतृत्व में गतिशील है और बधाई की पात्र है कि उन्होंने गौ हत्या निषेध कानून पारित करने क़ी ठान ली है हालाँकि कुछ अवरोध सामने है..जिस समाज ने हमें मानव कहलाने का अधिकार ही नहीं दिया-वरन स्रष्टि का सर्वोतम वरदान बनने के अनुकुल बनाया.उसके प्रति हमारा कितना उत्तरदायित्व है,इसे कदापि नहीं भूलना चाहिए..हिन्दुस्तान के महान महर्षियों ने संपूर्ण चराचर के बीच परमात्मा का निवास स्वीकार किया है..किसी को दुख दीये बिना ही सब के सुख क़ी कामना करना इस अभेद अनुभूति क़ी पहली सीढ़ी है..हिन्दू धर्म और जैन धर्म का मूल मंत्र सदैव से ही यही रहा है.."अहिंसा परमोह धर्म""

साधारणतः हिंसा का अर्थ लोग समझते है क़ि "प्राण लेना और अहिंसा उसका विपरीत अर्थ प्राण ना लेना समझा जाता है..kisi को kisi प्रकार का दुःख ना देना तथा सबके सुख का प्रयत्न करना ही अहिंसा है ..मनुष्य का परम कर्त्तव्य होना चाहिय कि समस्त जीवों को इश्वर की अनुपम कृति समझ कर सभी तरह से उसकी रक्षा करना ही उसके मानवीय जीवन का लक्ष्य रहे तथा उनकी सुख वृध्धि में ही सुख पाने कीसाधना करे..मन-वचन और कर्म से कभी kisi का अहित चिंतन ना करना ही अहिंसक का सबसे बड़ा लक्षण है..सभी जगह निर्बलो की पीठ पर प्रबल सवार है और गाय से निर्बल प्राणी भला दूसरा कौनसा है ..मनुष्य के स्वाद की लालसा ने गाय जैसे निरीह प्राणी का क़त्ल करने पर विवश कर दिया..मानव की क्या बात करे कि वह पशु-भक्षी तो बना ही बना पर अब नर-भक्षी भी हो गया है..ज्ञान-विज्ञानं की उन्नति का अनुचित लाभ उठाकर मनुष्य प्राण लेने की कला में पारंगत हो गया है..भूल सा गया है कि दूसरों को भी जीने का उतना ही अधिकार है जितना कि स्वयं को..मानव की बर्बरता जितनी बढ़ेगी,हिंसा का मूल्य उतना ही बढ़ता जायेगा..इस आदर्श को अपनाकर ही हम समता, सहानुभूति और प्रेम का परिचय दे पाएंगे..जैन धर्म में तो कीड़ों-मकोंड़ो की हिंसा तक वर्जित है या यूँ कहूँ कि भाव हिंसा तक वर्जित है

इश्वर की इस महान विभूति "गौ माता"को विकृत करने का हमें कोई अधीकार नहीं है और वह भी उदर-पोषण मात्र के लिए..कतई नहीं..सभ्य समाज का कोई नागरिक यह घोर अत्याचार kisi कीमत पर बर्दाश्त नहीं कर पायेगा..कातरता से ताकते हुए पशुओ की हत्या या उन पर प्रहार मात्र भी न्रशुन्श्ता का परिचय है..इश्वर की कृतियों को प्यार करना ही इश्वर की सबसे बड़ी आराधना है ..यदि हम केवल जीव मात्र के प्रति दया.करुणा,स्नेह आदि का व्यवहार करे तो भगवन हम पर प्रस्सन होंगे..कल्पना करे कि आज जो "सेव बाघ" कि धूम पुरे देश में मची है,वह कल गौ माता के लिए नहीं चलानी पड़े..एक एक गाय की निर्मम हत्या आने वाले कल को काफी भरी पड़ेगी..तमाम सामाजिक और धार्मिक संगठनो का यह पुनीत कर्त्तव्य है कि इस मुहिम में बढ़-चढ़ कर हिस्सा ले और रहे तमाम अवरोधों का विध्वंस कर दे ..जब सरकार इतनी दरिया-दिली दिखा रहो तो जन-जन का सहयोग इस सत्कार्य को भली-भांति अंजाम तक पहुंचा देगा वरना हाथ ही मलते रह जायेंगे..

कर्णाटक सरकार से कर-बढ़ प्रार्थना है कि जन-हित में बन्दर घुड़कियों को तवज्जो कतई ना दे तथा देशहित को ध्यान में रखते हुए पशु-धन की रक्षार्थ कठोरता से निर्णय को असली जामा पहनाये..देश के निर्माण sutra में तीन शब्द महत्वपूर्ण है :निर्णयन,उन्मूलन और संवर्धन..मुक्यमंत्री जी को चाहिए कि सभी पक्षों को शांति-पूर्वक इस बारे में सहमति बनाने कि दशा में प्रेरित करे और खुले दिल से बहस हो..सरकारे आती-जाती रहती है पर इस जीवन में सत्तासीन रहते हुए -हिन्दू संस्कृति कि रक्षा हेतु यदि हलाहल का उफनता प्याला भी पीना पड़े, आग के दरिया में भी कूदना पड़ जाए तो भी कभी नहीं हिचकिचाए..आपके सानिध्य में यदि प्राण-दान के मूल्य पर भी कर्णाटक का mastak "गौ-हत्या निषेध" के कारण विश्व के समक्ष ऊँचा कर पाएंगे तो आपका जीवन धन्य-धन्य हो जाएगा..गौ-माताओं को आपके द्वारा प्रदत यह अभय-दान हिंदुस्तान में स्वर्णाक्षरों में मढ़ा जाएगा..और फिर गौ-हत्या निषेध कि बात हिंदुस्तान में नहीं ता और कहाँ शोभनीय होगी..महान उपन्यासकार मुंशी प्रेमचंदजी ने ठीक ही pharmaya है; कि अहंकार शुन्य होकर एवं वैयक्तिक लाभ को ध्यान में ना रखकर की गई समाज सेवा ही श्रेयस्कर है;;

गौ विश्व क़ी माता है.

कटती गाय करे पुकार,बंद करो यह अत्याचार..
देश पर शासन वह करेगा जो गौ हत्या बंद करेगा..
सब सज्जनों क़ी यही पुकार,गौ हत्या अब नहीं स्वीकार