Monday, December 20, 2010
स्नेह मिलन एवं तीर्थ-यात्रा सानंद संपन्न
पहली बात शहर से दूर आयोजित जैन युवा संगठन का स्नेह मिलन एवं तीर्थ -यात्रा कार्यक्रम हैदराबाद में समस्त सदस्यों की सहभागिता से सानंद संपन्न हुआ..१८ तारीख को उप-प्रवर्तक श्री गौतम-मुनीसा के दर्शन ओर धर्म लाभ, स्नो-वर्ल्ड का भ्रमण तथा रात्रि में प्राचीन तीर्थ स्थली श्री कुलपाक जी में जैन युवा संगठन हैदराबाद के सानिध्य में भक्ति संध्या ओर दर्शन का भरपूर लाभ लिया.संगठन की ओर से अध्यक्ष जैन सज्जन राज मेहता ने श्री गौतम मुनीसा से बन्गलोर पधारने हेतु विनती रखी.जैन राजेश कुमार बांठिया ने जैन एकता के संगठन के प्रयांसो की जानकारी दी..मंर्त्री श्री सुरेश धोका ने कार्यक्रम का संचालन किया.. १९ तारीख को सवेरे कुलपाक जी में पूजा-आरती-दर्शन के पश्चात् सुप्रसिद्ध रमणीय स्थली श्री रामोजी राव फिल्मसिटी का दौरा काफी रोचक रहा तथा मौसम ओर संघ की सानिध्यताt ने उसमे चार चंद लगा दीये..समस्त कार्यक्रम काफी सुनियोजित तथा समयानुकूल होने के साथ नाश्ते-खाने तथा ठहरने की अति सुन्दर व्यवस्था होने के कारण भव्यता को छु सका..यूँ तो सभी ने भरपूर सहयोग दिया पर अध्यक्ष, मंत्री. तथा कार्यक्रम संयोजक श्री सुरेश mandot ,सुभाष गोटावत,उपाध्यक्ष श्री महावीर गोटावत तथा कोषाध्यक्ष श्री डूंगरमल चोपड़ा का विशेष सहयोग रहा..सक्रिय कार्यकर्ता श्री दिलीप संचेती,भरत बाफना तथा श्री प्रकाश गाँधी का भी विशेषतम सहयोग रहा..हैदराबाद के श्री नीरू भाई..चेतन कुमारजी ओर अमृत लाल जी पितलिया का अदभुत सहयोग ओर स्नेह मिला..१९ तारीख की गरीब रथ एक्सप्रेस से रवाना होकर संघ आज प्रातः ८ बजे बन्गलोर सकुशल पहुंचा..समस्त गुरु भगवन्तो के आशिर्व्वाद से यह स्नेह-मिलन यादगार रहा.. sadasya परिवारों का यहीं कहना था की इस तरह के कार्यक्रम निरंतर हो..
Sajjan Raj Mehta
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The first duty of the newspaper is to report facts.It should never be polluted by the touch of the selfish interest,coloured opinion and misrepresentation of facts.It should be impartial and free from any party affiliation.However it should help to create the healthy understanding between the masses and those who govern their fate and shape the destiny of the nation.Press is the backbone of the trade and industry.It is the lifeline of the economic activities.
Media is not responsible for all the things that happen but they are responsible for the way they act when they do happen.Language is the apparel in which thoughts of a newspaper parade before the public.DNA never clothe them in vulgar or shoddy attire.Last year was a happening year for DNA in Bangalore & i feel "he is never alone who is in the company of noble thoughts.The right train of thoughts can take you to a better station in life.".DNA is in safe hands & each individual there knows the responsibility.
DNA has been destructive against the social evils such as rising prices,black market,corruption in Government etc.It has criticised the inaction of the Government and urged reforms.It has ventilated public grievances and demanded their redress.DNA infuses the true spirit of patriotism and promote concord among the people.
DNA is progressing perfectly in the right direction & wish more success,happiness & prosperity..It should continuously exercise its powers carefully and honourably and should always fight for the cause of truth,righteousness,communal harmony and justice...
Sajjan Raj Mehta
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
भ्रष्टाचार रूपी दीमक को कौन नेस्तनाबूद करेगा
भ्रष्टाचार की बीमारी ने कितने लोगों के जीवन-रस को चूसकर नारंगी के छिलके की तरह दर-किनार कर दिया है..उनके अरमानो की होली जल चुकी है..भ्रष्टाचार इतनी चरम बुलंदी पर पहुँच चुका है क़ि सुप्रीम कोर्ट को भी उसपर अनचाही फ़ब्तिया कसनी पड रही है..खेलो में भष्टाचार, जमीन घोटालो में,रक्षा-सौदों में,दिनों-दिन के व्यवहारों में यह इतना घुलमिल चुका है क़ि बिना इसके सांस लेना तक दूभर हो चुका है..हद तो तब हो गयी है क़ि अब राशन वितरण प्रणाली में घोर अनियमित्ताओ के चलते हजारों करोडो क़ी हेराफेरी हो चुकी है तथा सरकार हाथ पर हरः धरे बैठी है क्योंकि हमाम में तो सब नंगे जो है.ऊपर से नीचे तक रेवडिया सब के बीच बराबर बटती जाती है तथा खून के आंसू रोने के लिए बचता है बेचारा गरीब. निर्धन इंसान भरी जवानी में बुढ़ापे की आगोश में समा जाता है क्योंकि आजादी के ६३ वर्षों के पश्चात् भी वह दाने-दाने के लिए मोहताज है..राशन वितरण प्रणाली में लिप्त इन नकाबपोश अपराधियों को सरकार जितनी सख्त सजा दे कम है वरना उनके होंसले युही बुलंदी पर चढ़ते रहेंगे.समय का तकाजा है कि किसी भी तरह के भ्रष्टाचार को आम जनता बढ़ावा नहीं दे ओर शुरुआत स्वयं से होनी चाहिए..
सामाजिक वातावरण में सबल ओर निर्धन लोगों का अनुपात प्रारंभ से ही विषम रहा है.निर्बलों के ऊपर सबलों के दबाव की कहानिया अनादि काल से प्रचलित रहीं है.समाज का यह भी एक विचित्र विधान है क़ि समर्थ लोगों क़ी गलत तथा नाजायज गतिविधिओं को भी सामाजिक संरक्षण मिल जाता है..भय ओर प्रीति के समन्वय से समाज समर्थ लोगों को दोष देने में हिचकिचाता है..यह हमारे सामाजिक संगठन क़ी विसंगति ही है क़ि सबल को ओर अधिक सबल बनने के अवसर सहज सुलभ होते रहते है.एक भयावह परिस्थिति यह भी द्रष्टिगोचर होती है क़ी निर्बलों को अपना पक्ष कहने ओर सुनाने के अवसर तक नहीं प्राप्त होते.उन्हें छोटे-मोटे अपराधों से जोड़ दिया जाता है जबकि सबलों के प्रत्येक आचरण को प्रशंसा क़ी निगाह से देखा जाता है..इस विचारणा का प्रतिफल यह है क़ी समर्थ मदयुक्त होकर अधिकाधिक समर्थ बनकर निर्बलों का शोषण कर रहे है..
एक नेता, एक अफसर रिश्वत लेता है तो हम कहते हैं कि यह भ्रष्टाचार है. ठीक है. लेकिन जब हम किसी बस में बिना टिकिट लिए, कण्डक्टर को आधे पौने पैसे देकर यात्रा करते हैं तब? और इतना ही नहीं, जब हम बिना बिल के कोई खरीददारी करते हैं तब? इस नज़र से देखेंगे तो पाएंगे कि हममें से शायद ही कोई हो जो भ्रष्ट न हो. बिना बिल के सामान बेचने वाला दुकानदार जितना दोषी है उससे कम दोषी हम नहीं हैं जो टैक्स बचाने के लिए खुद आग्रह करते हैं कि बिल न हो तो भी चलेगा. लेकिन, जैसा मैंने कहा यह तो हमारी चुनौती का एक हिस्सा है: भ्रष्ट आर्थिक आचरण.भ्रष्टाचार का यह विषवृक्ष छतनार ना होता जाए , इसके लिए इसके कारणो की जड़ पर ही कुठाराघ्त कराना होगा.
देश में व्याप्त कालाबाजारी,रिश्वतखोरी तथा अनगिनत भ्रष्टाचार की नई-नई किस्मे निरंतर सामने आ रही है ओर हम एक से निपटने में सक्षम भी नहीं हो पाते उससे पहले दूसरो पद्धति इज्जाद हो ज़ाती है..प्रजातंत्र में हर मनुष्य का मोल बराबर है- चाहे वह पंडित हो या मुर्ख,विचारवान हो या विचारशुन्य ,पैसे पर बिकने वाला हो या पूरा इमानदार..इसी तरह किसी भी भ्रष्टाचार के लिए हर भ्रष्टाचार उतना ही दोषी हो जितना करने वाला या करने वाला..कानून की लाठी समस्त भ्रष्टाचारियो पर एक सी चोट प्रदान करे..
अंग्रेजो की गुलामी से निवृत होने के बाद भी भ्रष्टाचार की गुलामी से त्रस्त होने के कारण ही आज भी देश के १००००० गाँव विद्युत के अभाव में जी रहे है,उतने ही गाँव सड़क से महरूम है..करीब २ लाख गाँवों में पोस्ट-ऑफिस तक नहीं है,प्राथमिक स्वास्थ्य केंद्र नहीं है..लाखों गाँव को रेल सेवा नसीब नहीं हुई है..ग्रामीण स्तर पर ५५ प्रतिशत आबादी ही शिक्षित है उसमे महिला शिक्षा का स्तर ओर भी नीचे है ? पञ्च-वर्षीया योजनाओ में वादे ओर स्वप्नों के सब्जबाग तो काफी दिखाए जाते है पर हकीकत के धरातल पर जमीन खिकी-खिसकी नजर आती है..जरुरत है क़ि योजनाओ में प्राथमिकता भले ही रेल,बंदरगाहों.हवाई अड्डो ,सड़को ओर विद्युत क़ी दी जाए पर साथ ही सम्पूर्ण योजना में समग्र विकास के लक्ष्य को ध्यान में रख कर सिंचाई,ग्रामीण विकास,ग्रामीण शिक्षा,स्वास्थ्य ओर प्राथमिक शिक्षा पर भी जोर रहे..नदियों को जोड़ने क़ी योजनाये ठन्डे बसते में पड़ी है जिसे असली जामा पहनाये जाने क़ी जरुरत है..नदियों को जोड़ने के कार्य से देश में कृषि उत्पादन को वर्त्तमान स्टार से ७-८ गुना बढाया जा सकेगा जिसके फलस्वरूप देश का किसान आत्म निर्भर बनेगा तथा जनता जनार्दन के हाथ में भी पैसा होगा ओर एक सीमा तक भ्रष्टाचार से विमुख होने क़ी कोशिश करेगा.देश क़ी वर्त्तमान चुनाव प्रणाली भी काफी हद तक भ्रष्टाचार को बढ़ावा देने वाली है ओर उसमे निरंतर बदलाव क़ी आवश्यकता है क्योंकि राजनीति में प्रवेश के पहले ही जब करोडो के वारे-न्यारे हो जाते है तो फिर राजनेता भ्रष्टाचा- उन्मूलन क़ी बात सोचे भी तो कैसे..सोचना है, कराना है तो जनता जनार्दन को करना है अतः कमर क़स कर समस्त स्वयं सेवी संस्था हो या स्वयं,हम यह सुनिश्चित करे क़ि कतई भ्रष्टाचार को बढ़ावा नहीं देंगे..जिस समाज ने हमें स्रष्टि का सर्वोतम वरदान बनने के अनुकूल बनाया , उसके प्रति हमारे कितने उत्तर-दायित्व है ,इसे हमें कदापि नहीं भुलना चाहिए.
जब खिले हुए कमलों को पाला मार जाये तब प्रातःकालीन सूर्य क़ी प्रखरता उन्हें खिला नहीं पाती अतः सही समय पर भ्रष्टाचार रूपी दीमक पर अंकुश लगा कर ही देश के उज्जवल भविष्य क़ी छवि अखंड रखी जा सकती है..यह समस्त शस्य श्यामला वसुधा एक ही है ओर इस पर बसर करने वाले हम सब एक परिवार के सदस्य है ,इस अवधारणा का पल्लवन ही भ्रष्टाचार क़ी विभीषिका को दूर करने में सहायक हो सकता है..
सज्जन राज मेहता
सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता
अध्यक्ष..जैन युवा संगठन..बन्गलोर
आशा है यह सामयिक लेख आपके प्रतिष्ठित पत्रिका के अनुकूल है तथा आप इसे समुचित स्थान उपलब्ध कराएँगे..यह आपके लिए एक्सक्लुसिव ही लिखा है..
आपकी प्रतिक्रिया का सदेव स्वागत है..
एक नेता, एक अफसर रिश्वत लेता है तो हम कहते हैं कि यह भ्रष्टाचार है. ठीक है. लेकिन जब हम किसी बस में बिना टिकिट लिए, कण्डक्टर को आधे पौने पैसे देकर यात्रा करते हैं तब? और इतना ही नहीं, जब हम बिना बिल के कोई खरीददारी करते हैं तब? इस नज़र से देखेंगे तो पाएंगे कि हममें से शायद ही कोई हो जो भ्रष्ट न हो. बिना बिल के सामान बेचने वाला दुकानदार जितना दोषी है उससे कम दोषी हम नहीं हैं जो टैक्स बचाने के लिए खुद आग्रह करते हैं कि बिल न हो तो भी चलेगा. लेकिन, जैसा मैंने कहा यह तो हमारी चुनौती का एक हिस्सा है: भ्रष्ट आर्थिक आचरण.भ्रष्टाचार का यह विषवृक्ष छतनार ना होता जाए , इसके लिए इसके कारणो की जड़ पर ही कुठाराघ्त कराना होगा.
देश में व्याप्त कालाबाजारी,रिश्वतखोरी तथा अनगिनत भ्रष्टाचार की नई-नई किस्मे निरंतर सामने आ रही है ओर हम एक से निपटने में सक्षम भी नहीं हो पाते उससे पहले दूसरो पद्धति इज्जाद हो ज़ाती है..प्रजातंत्र में हर मनुष्य का मोल बराबर है- चाहे वह पंडित हो या मुर्ख,विचारवान हो या विचारशुन्य ,पैसे पर बिकने वाला हो या पूरा इमानदार..इसी तरह किसी भी भ्रष्टाचार के लिए हर भ्रष्टाचार उतना ही दोषी हो जितना करने वाला या करने वाला..कानून की लाठी समस्त भ्रष्टाचारियो पर एक सी चोट प्रदान करे..
अंग्रेजो की गुलामी से निवृत होने के बाद भी भ्रष्टाचार की गुलामी से त्रस्त होने के कारण ही आज भी देश के १००००० गाँव विद्युत के अभाव में जी रहे है,उतने ही गाँव सड़क से महरूम है..करीब २ लाख गाँवों में पोस्ट-ऑफिस तक नहीं है,प्राथमिक स्वास्थ्य केंद्र नहीं है..लाखों गाँव को रेल सेवा नसीब नहीं हुई है..ग्रामीण स्तर पर ५५ प्रतिशत आबादी ही शिक्षित है उसमे महिला शिक्षा का स्तर ओर भी नीचे है ? पञ्च-वर्षीया योजनाओ में वादे ओर स्वप्नों के सब्जबाग तो काफी दिखाए जाते है पर हकीकत के धरातल पर जमीन खिकी-खिसकी नजर आती है..जरुरत है क़ि योजनाओ में प्राथमिकता भले ही रेल,बंदरगाहों.हवाई अड्डो ,सड़को ओर विद्युत क़ी दी जाए पर साथ ही सम्पूर्ण योजना में समग्र विकास के लक्ष्य को ध्यान में रख कर सिंचाई,ग्रामीण विकास,ग्रामीण शिक्षा,स्वास्थ्य ओर प्राथमिक शिक्षा पर भी जोर रहे..नदियों को जोड़ने क़ी योजनाये ठन्डे बसते में पड़ी है जिसे असली जामा पहनाये जाने क़ी जरुरत है..नदियों को जोड़ने के कार्य से देश में कृषि उत्पादन को वर्त्तमान स्टार से ७-८ गुना बढाया जा सकेगा जिसके फलस्वरूप देश का किसान आत्म निर्भर बनेगा तथा जनता जनार्दन के हाथ में भी पैसा होगा ओर एक सीमा तक भ्रष्टाचार से विमुख होने क़ी कोशिश करेगा.देश क़ी वर्त्तमान चुनाव प्रणाली भी काफी हद तक भ्रष्टाचार को बढ़ावा देने वाली है ओर उसमे निरंतर बदलाव क़ी आवश्यकता है क्योंकि राजनीति में प्रवेश के पहले ही जब करोडो के वारे-न्यारे हो जाते है तो फिर राजनेता भ्रष्टाचा- उन्मूलन क़ी बात सोचे भी तो कैसे..सोचना है, कराना है तो जनता जनार्दन को करना है अतः कमर क़स कर समस्त स्वयं सेवी संस्था हो या स्वयं,हम यह सुनिश्चित करे क़ि कतई भ्रष्टाचार को बढ़ावा नहीं देंगे..जिस समाज ने हमें स्रष्टि का सर्वोतम वरदान बनने के अनुकूल बनाया , उसके प्रति हमारे कितने उत्तर-दायित्व है ,इसे हमें कदापि नहीं भुलाना चाहिए...
सज्जन राज मेहता
अध्यक्ष..जैन युवा संगठन..बन्गलोर
Monday, December 6, 2010
The Bhartiya Janta Party contested for election in Karnataka with a manifesto that if chosen to power, they will ban the slaughtering of cows and oxes. Very well aware of this, the people of Karnataka choose the BJP government into power, and we must commend the BJP government for living up to their end of the bargain.
After introducing and getting the Prevention of Cow Slaughter bill cleared from the assembly, it was supposed to be signed by the governor and enacted as a law, who instead of signing it reverted it to the President of India. The president too is sitting on the bill and technically she can do this forever or till the next elections.
The government is suppose to be 'by the people' and 'for the people' and the President and the Governor are suppose to be the servants of the Republic of India. But instead of acting upon the compassionate will of the people, they have perpetrated a fraud on the people of Karnataka and have hurt their sentiments and played with their emotions. The people of India and especially Karnataka are loosing their patience and are waiting for an answer.
Let us not forget that Chapter IV-A, Article 51A(g) of The Constitution of India stated that, "it shall be the fundamental duty of every citizen of India ... to have compassion for all living creatures." It should be noted that even the former Prime Minister, the late Indira Gandhi, had written to all State governments in 1982 suggesting a total ban on slaughter of cattle. Severe penalties have been incorporated in the legislation only to ensure an effective enforcement. All the founding fathers of our great nation echoed similar sentiments. Mahatma Gandhi, the father of our nation rightly said that the greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.
When we take something from someone, we must return the favor. The Cow had fed and nourished us with the same milk that she feeds and nourishes her baby with. This goes to say a lot. We have fed on her breast milk and now we must return the favor. It's a shame on our conscious to go to bed every night while innocent and noble creatures like cows are brutally and mercilessly slaughtered and hacked apart to death. Creatures who have never wronged or harmed us but only served - only to be slaughtered for their service and love.
Its a statement by the people of Karnataka that we are well aware of our fundamental duties to this great nation and to her earthlings and to her just and fair constitution that has set a shining example of democracy for the world to follow. This is a cry for mercy and a stepping stone for complete nonhuman emancipation. We have sent memorandums to the President of India. This inhumane and shameful mockery of democracy shall not be tolerated any longer. She was there when you needed her. Now she needs you. -
Sajjan Raj Mehta, President Jain Yuva Sangathan, Bangalore, Telephone: 9845501150.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
.लद गए नारों के दिन मन को छु गया.
सज्जन राज मेहता
सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता..बंगलोरे
Monday, November 8, 2010
इस बेरहम हत्याकांड की जितनी भर्तसना की जाए, कम है ओर दिवंगत आत्माओ को हार्दिक श्रधांजलि अर्पित करते है..निर्दोषो की हत्या कतई बर्दास्त नहीं की जा सकती है तथा जवाबी कारवाई की सख्त जरुरत है..
सज्जन राज मेहता
अध्यक्ष..जैन युवा संगठन ,बन्गलोर
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Customers Keep Off Areas Riddled With Traffic Blocks, Garbage & Slush
ON THURSDAY afternoon, shoppers had a tough time entering Chickpet market. Apart from the crowd which almost carried you along, there was slush which was almost ankle-deep in some places and uncollected garbage strewn all over the roads. Shoppers, who managed to wade through this, could walk into pocket-sized shops situated almost on the roads, haggle with the shopkeepers and strike a good bargain. Many of the favourite shopping zones like SP Road, Chickpet and Gandhi Bazaar speak of tales of filth and neglect, although they still manage to churn out business worth crores. The city, which embraced the IT revolution, has seen a shift in the shopping habits of its people. With the arrival of malls, many of the City’s populace prefer to drive down to marble-floored outlets where salesperson hover around and pamper them.
As a result, retailers like Vijay Kapadi, who run a kids garment shop in one of the lanes of Chickpet, where there is barely place for two people to walk side by side, have seen a 10-15% drop in business every year although volumes have risen. He now manages to get business worth 5-6 lakh a year and plans to set up another shop away from the bustle of Chickpet.
“I am setting up a shop in a more convenient area which has ample parking,” he says. On an average, 70 customers visit his shop, but hardly anyone buys the higher-priced apparels. “Customers hesitate to come here as there is no parking space. There is too much traffic due to which our upper class clientele has come down,” says Mr Kapadi. The only mode of access to this area is through autorickshaws and you may end up paying a much higher fare than the meter-charge. The market lanes of Chickpet, Avenue Road, and OTC Road — said to have over 25,000 shops — are not suited for those used to the comfort of their cars. Mr Kapadi, for one, commutes on a bike which he can tuck away in a narrow lane. Old shopping zones losing loyal customers
WHEN it rains, the drains here get clogged and water flows into the shops and basements,” said Lakshmi Narayan, who runs a 400 sq ft shop in Chikpet. Given these conditions, even loyal customers have stopped visiting as often as they used to.
It is a no-brainer as to why most people want to avoid this area and opt for an air-conditioned, dust-free shopping mall.
Till recently, these markets, despite being overcrowded with grossly inadequate parking space and fully encroached footpaths, continued to attract shoppers from the middle and upper strata. But this was before the mall culture came up.
With Forum Mall coming up in Bangalore in 2004, crowds started gravitating towards them. Garuda Mall and Forum have begun to draw customers from major markets within a 5-km radius, while Bangalore Central in Jayanagar and Gopalan Mall in Rajarajeshwari Nagar have already started hurting traditional markets in Basavanagudi and neighbouring places.
“Many youngsters prefer going to malls as they can shop and hang around in the same place,” said Shubhranshu Pani, MD, retail services, Jone Lang LaSalle, a real estate consultancy firm.
There are around seven new malls which are expected to come up across Bangalore, totalling 3 million sq ft, by the end of CY 2011. Currently, there are seven malls in the city, which witness a footfall of 25,000 on weekdays, while the number soars up to 50,000 during the weekend.
*****The irony of it all is that mall owners come to Chikpet to buy garments and sell the same AT a higher price. “Even though they can get the same stuff at lower prices, people prefer malls which have much better conditions,” said Sajjan Raj Mehta, member of the Association of Karnataka Trade & Industry and wholesaler of a ready-made garment shop in Chikpet******
“If there were no malls, we could have got additional revenue and sold much more,” said Anil Lal, who runs an electronic shop on SP Road, famous for electronic products. He says the number of customers visiting his shop has dropped by almost 20% on an average.
Ashwath Narayan, 49, a business man, who sells LCD and computer products on SP Road has seen a 10% drop in business. “We are selling our products at a lower price as compared to market but even then business is low,” said Mr Narayan. He now supplies mostly to wholesalers and plans to tie up with big retail outlets to supply such products in bulk as an additional source of revenue. There are shops, barely 200 sq ft, which offer handset-makers to LCD shops to computer products. There are around 800 shops in SP Road in Bangalore which mainly sell computer parts and electronic goods such as LCD and DVDs. It had attracted people from all strata of the society to buy product which are sometime as much as 50% cheaper than the market price.
However, with dedicated retail outlets for electronic goods like Croma, eZone and Reliance Digital opening across the city, this electronic goods hub has met a similar fate. This market now mainly caters to people from Hubli, Dharwad and Bellary. The young Bangalore crowd seems to have moved to retail chains that guarantee original products and provide warranty.
Venkatesh Prabhu was forced to close his audio business and has started selling DVD/VCDs and various kind of adapters. “The audio market was dying, so I decided to become a wholesaler of other products. Around 90% of my products are sold to traders who buy products in bulk,” said Mr Prabhu, who has seen business dipping by as much as 20% in the last two years.
Similarly, at the heart of another major market, Gandhi Bazaar in Basavangudi, small traders face tough competition from modern retailers. “Small shop owners are facing a big threat from large retail shops. We need to connect with customers and be polite to them. Small traders are seeing a 10% drop in sales while the bigger merchants are growing,” said Basavanagudi Merchant Forum treasurer A Sharavana.
Mr Sharavana, who worked out of a jeweller shop, says personal connect with the customers help in increasing sales. He now operates two huge jewellery shops in Gandhi Bazaar and has adapted to the new change. “I train all my employees on how to speak politely to customers whether or not they buy products. If the traders do not adopt to change, they will slowly die,” said Mr Sharavana. Most of his customers are old residents of Basavanagudi.
The Gandhi Bazaar road has turned even narrower by the fruit and vegetable hawkers who sell on the road itself. “In the last few years, we have failed to attract any new customers. Many retailers buy products from us and sell it at double price by packaging it in a flashy way,” said Nagaraj, who runs a readymade garment shop in Gandhi Bazaar.
Busy customers on SP Road. Photo by N Narasimha Murthy
Sajjan Raj Mehta
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Extra-ordinary silence of UPA Chairman Srimati Sonia Gandhi & Hon'ble Prime Minister Sri Manmohan Singh Ji worries the nation on the involvement of their top leaders in the corruption in Common Wealth Games,Adarsh scam & various new scandals.Public is being taken as granted & their hard earned money is in the swiss accounts of political leaders. Corruption is an intractable problem. It is like diabetes, can only be controlled, but not totally eliminated. It may not be possible to root out corruption completely at all levels but it is possible to contain it within tolerable limits. Honest and dedicated persons in public life, control over electoral expenses could be the most important prescriptions to combat corruption. Corruption has a corrosive impact on our economy. It worsens our image in international market and leads to loss of overseas opportunities. Corruption is a global problem that all countries of the world have to confront, solutions, however, can only be home grown. We have tolerated corruption for so long. The time has now come to root it out from its roots.
Hope Media plays the crucial role on our behalf to nab the culprits and teach them a lesson..
Sajjan Raj Mehta
CHIKPET; Model Market without Pollution & Congestion
As discussed, we would like our CHIKPET traders to pass a resolution and request BBMP & ABIDe to make CHIKPET Area - A model Shopping Zone free of congestion and pollution.
Avenue Road, BVK Iyenger Road and Cross roads joining these two roads to be made Pollution & Congestion free and pedestrian only zones with Concrete Roads (so that roads do not get damaged in rains), covered drains and high quality footpaths (like on Vittal Malaya Road).
This must be developed as a model Market Area as a pilot and to be extended to other such zones across Bangalore.
Electric/Battery operated vehicles can be organized and managed by for easy moment of pedestrians/shoppers with space for keeping their goods. It could be shuttle service moving in the streets all the time in both directions. People can Hop on & Hop Off wherever they want. More like a Golf Cart kind of Electirc/Battery Vehicles.
Public vehicles (cars/motorcycles) may be restricted from entering this zone between 8.00am to 9.00pm, Parking for general public can be accommodated at city market,silver jubili park road, Post office road,Palace road ,Central collage ground. This location is also well connected by mass transport - Buses going to KR Market and Majestic are at 2 ends, so more people can be encouraged to uses Buses to reach this shopping area and then use your electric vehicle to move around Chikpet.
Sajjan Raj Mehta
Sunday, October 31, 2010
जैन धर्म में दिवाली का महत्व
कार्तिक मास की अमावस्या को मनाया जानेवाला त्यौहार दीपमलिका जैन धर्मावलम्बियों का एक प्रमुख त्यौहार है. इस पर्व की मान्यता है कि जब भगवान महावीर पावानगरी के मनोहर उद्यान में जाकर विराजमान हो गए और जब चतुर्थकाल पूरा होने में 3 वर्ष 8 माह बाकी थे, तब कार्तिक अमावस्या के दिन सुबह स्वाति नक्षत्र के दौरान स्वामी महावीर अपने सांसारिक जीवन से मुक्त होकर मोक्षधाम को प्राप्त कर गए. उस समय इन्द्र सहित सभी देवों ने आकर भगवान महावीर के शरीर की पूजा की और पूरी पावानगरी को दीपकों से सजाकर प्रकाशयुक्त कर दिया. उस समय से आज तक यही परम्परा जैन धर्म में चली आ रही है और इसी कारण जैन धर्म के अनुयायी इस दिन प्रतिवर्ष दीपमलिका सजाकर भगवान महावीर का निर्वाणोत्सव मानते हैं. ऐसा विश्वास किया जाता है कि इसी दिन शाम श्री गौतम स्वामी को केवल ज्ञान की प्राप्ति हुई थी.
इस महापर्व के सुअवसर पर सभी जैन धर्मावलम्बी संध्या के समय दीपों की माला सजाकर नई बही खातों का मुहूर्त करते हुए विघ्नहर्ता भगवान गणेश और माता महालक्ष्मी का पूजन करते हैं. श्रद्धालुओं में मान्यता है कि 12 गणों के स्वामी गौतम गणधर ही गौड़ी पुत्र गणेश हैं और भक्तों के विघ्नों के नाशक हैं. भगवान् महावीर और श्री गौतम गणधर के स्मृति का पर्व दीपमलिका मानव समाज को अहिंसा और शांति का सन्देश प्रदान करती है.
असत्य पर सत्य की विजय का प्रतीक तथा अँधेरे पर उजालों की छटा बिखेरने वाली दीपावली कार्तिक मास की अमावस्या के दिन पूरे भारतवर्ष में बड़ी धूम-धाम से मनाई JAATI है. इसे रोशनी का पर्व भी कहा जाता है. दीपावली त्यौहार हिन्दुओं, सिख, बौध धर्म के लोगों द्वारा भी हर्षोल्लास पूर्वक मनाया जाता है. यूं तो इस महापर्व के पीछे सभी धर्मों की अलग-अलग मान्यताएं हैं, परन्तु हिन्दू धर्म ग्रन्थ में वर्णित कथाओं के अनुसार दीपावली का यह पावन त्यौहार मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम भगवान श्रीराम के 14 वर्ष के बाद बनवास के बाद अपने राज्य में वापस लौटने की स्मृति में मनाया जाता है. इस प्रकाशोत्सव को सत्य की जीत व आध्यात्मिक अज्ञानता को दूर करने का प्रतीक भी माना जाता है.
परम्पराओं का त्यौहार दीपावली में मां लक्ष्मी व गणेश के साथ मां सरस्वती की पूजा भी की जाती है. चूंकि गणेश पूजन के बिना कोई भी पूजा अधूरी मानी जाती है, इसलिए लक्ष्मी के साथ विघ्नहर्ता का पूजन भी किया जाता है और धन व सिद्धि के साथ ज्ञान भी पूजनीय है, इसलिए ज्ञान की देवी मां सरस्वती की भी पूजा होती है. इस दिन दीपकों की पूजा का विशेष महत्व होता है, इसलिए भक्तों को चाहिए कि वह दो थालों में 6 चौमुखे दीपक को रखें और फिर उन थालों को 26 छोटे-छोटे दीपक से सजाएं.
ऐसा विश्वास किया जाता है कि इस दिन यदि कोई श्रद्धापूर्वक मां लक्ष्मी की पूजा करता है तो, उसके घर में कभी भी दरिद्रता का वास नहीं होता और वह सदा ही अन्न, धन, धान्य व वैभव से संपन्न रहता है. दीपावली का पर्व समाज में उल्लास, भाई-चारे व प्रेम का सन्देश फैलता है.
Sajjan Raj Mehta
Monday, October 11, 2010
Garment streetb in Bangalore has just one public water tap
Published: Monday, Sep 27, 2010, 8:57 IST
By Sajjan Raj Mehta | Place: Bangalore | Agency: DNA
If you want to see employers and workers queuing up with plastic pots before a public tap, come to Mamulpet in Chickpet, the garment hub of ‘hale Bengaluru’ (old Bangalore).
These is where people owning about 12,000 shops and establishment works give crores of rupees as revenue to the government but are left at the mercy of a single water tap of Cauvery to quench their thirst. Most of the time, the tap gives air and some times water and people’s productive time is spent in long wait to collect water.
“We’ve exhausted our patience,” sputters R Samba, chairman of Bengaluru (Mamulpet) Vyapari Sangathan. “Two days ago, we brought MLA Dinesh Gundurao and local corporator to see for themselves the decayed ambience of this place. Besides water, sanitation is a problem. We told them we will start an agitation if arrangement is not made for water. They assuredhelp,” said Samba.
‘Lack of will,’ ‘lack of planning’ and ‘plain indifference’ are the common comments made by people and traders around. Even on normal days, life is hard when it rains and becomes unimaginable as it happened on Friday night.“Maybe since we are small traders, the Palike does not take much interest in giving us amenities,” says Ramu Bhagat, a trader.
He feels miffed that this place forming part of the prestigious Gandhinagar constituency gets rough treatment. “What is preventing the government from asking the BWSSB to wake up and do its bit,” he asks.
“This has been the situation for 10 years,” said Kant Raj, a trader who has his shop right behind the water tap. “Every day, I feel like I am sitting in Mumbai’s Dharavi street.”
“The problem is utter lack of coordination between different governmental agencies. Each one does what it wants and leaves the mess for others to tackle,” says Raj.
BWSSB should have set up at least three or four water taps or supplied water to shops at least once a day.
“Why should we pay revenue,” asks Samba. It is not just water woes troubling them. Irregular collection of garbage and defective streetlights too are serious issues.
Whoever wants fabric at reasonable rate comes to Mamulpet and Chickpet and it serves not only the local people but thousands of small clothes shop owners from the neighbouring states.
“It is a shame we have a reputed street for garments showing utter disregard for public amenities. It brings bad name to the street and the city,” Rakesh, a commission agent of Mamulpet, said.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
ayodhya verdict's impact
Sajjan Raj Mehta
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Bangalore celebrates Mahaveer Jayanthi
Staff Reporter
BANGALORE: A colourful procession and programmes marked the Bhagawan Mahaveer Jayanthi celebrations here on Sunday in which thousands of Jains participated.
The procession led by the Jain Yuva Sangathan was flagged off by Assistant Commissioner of Police Jeetendranath from Town Hall, and went through Nagarathpet and Chickpet before reaching Freedom Park where a function was held. Tableaux depicting scenes from Jain mythology, the life of Mahaveera and unity among Jain sects were a part of the procession.
Among others, Vice-Chancellor of Visvesvaraya Technological University H.P. Khincha, Bangalore Central MP P.C. Mohan, Gandhinagar MLA Dinesh Gundu Rao and Police Commissioner Shankar M. Bidari were present.
Various Jain religious leaders attended the function.
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peace march and Jayanthi celebrations
PK Surendran
A manner worth emulating, some two lakh Jains in Bangalore took up the challenge thrown at them by the system, and emerged victorious earning a grateful salute from chief minister B S Yeddyurappa.
This is, however, the first time the Jain community has found to their chagrin Mahaveer Jayanthi, the holiest day of the year, coinciding with the civic elections. "We could not give up either," remarks Rajesh Bantia, president of Jain Yuva Sangathan. "And, we did both--celebration and voting took place." On its part, the government, in a show of magnanimity, made an exception to the Jains' peace march and Jayanthi celebrations and also ensured that the city police commissioner was present at the celebrations.
Some 20,000 Jains thus took part in the colourful procession where eight thematic tableaus conveyed the pivotal messages on 'Ahimsa' and 'universal brotherhood' Mahaveera taught humanity. Beginning from Town Hall, the procession wound its way through Nagrathpet, Chikpet via BVK Iyengar Road ending at Freedom Park. Jain Gurus including Hansrajji Maharaj, Vardhaman Sagarji Maharaj, Mallipragyaji, and others blessed the gathering.
The chairman of the Sangathan's media and its former secretary, Jain Sajjan Mehta says the community had decided to intersperse the celebrations and programmes with breaks, one each in the morning and evening, so that people could vote. "I voted at 7:10 am and came to the procession immediately. Thousands of community members did the same. My information is that 75% Jains voted in spite of the day-long celebrations with a potpourri of cultural programmes. "We wanted to show that we could take up the challenge and we did, thanks to the government and the election commission that made an exception to the poll day rules of not allowing processions or gatherings." Mahaveer Babel, vice-chairman of the Sangathan says Yeddyurappa had rang up the Jain leaders yesterday, urging them to bear it this time and also vote. "It was a great gesture," Babel says.
Meanwhile, the Jains' largest medical charity-Bhagvan Mahaveera Hospital at Vasant Nagar-- conducted a pooja in its foyer and distributed fruit and biscuits to all the in-house patients. The 200-bed super speciality hospital provides free surgeries and dialysis treatment to scores of poor people. When hospital president Parasmal Bhansali was asked what he felt about the elections happening on such an important religious day, he says though it was an inconvenience to Jains, "we don't wear the community tag on our sleeves."
Jain Yuva Sangathan has requested the state government to rename the Metro Station at Central Arts College ground as 'Kundalpur Nagiri' (The Birth place of Mahavira). This is the least the government and people could do to honour the entity that preached ahimsa to the world. Another request the Sangthan put forward to the government was to ban cow slaughter in Karnataka. The demand was put forth by the Cow Progeny Protection Force (CPF).
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Request for Passing the Karnataka Anti Cow Slaughter Bill 2010 .
The President of India
Rashtrapathi Bhavan
New Delhi
Subject: Request for Passing the Karnataka Anti Cow Slaughter Bill 2010 .
The Bhartiya Janata Party contested elections in Karnataka with a manifesto that if chosen to power, they would ban the slaughtering of cows and oxen.
Aware of this, the people of Karnataka put the BJP government into power. One must commend the BJP government for living up to their end of the bargain.
After introducing and getting the Prevention of Cow Slaughter bill cleared from the assembly, it was supposed to be signed by the governor and enacted as a law. Instead of following this normal procedure, the governor reverted it to the President of India.
Now, the President of India must decide on a number of issues, keeping in mind Chapter IV-A. Article 51-A (g) of The Constitution of India which states that "it shall be the fundamental duty of every citizen of India ... to have compassion for all living creatures." It should be noted that even the former Prime Minister, the late Indira Gandhi, had written to all State governments in 1982 suggesting a total ban on slaughter of cattle. Severe penalties have been incorporated in the legislation only to ensure effective enforcement. All the founding fathers of our great nation echoed similar sentiments. Mahatma Gandhi, the father of our nation rightly said that the greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.
When we take something from someone, we must return the favour. The cow has fed and nourished us with the same milk that she feeds and nourishes her baby with. This goes to say a lot. We have fed on her milk and now we must return the favour. It's a blot on our conscience to go to bed every night while innocent and noble creatures like cows are brutally and mercilessly slaughtered and hacked apart to death. Are creatures which have never wronged or harmed us but only served - only to be slaughtered for their service and love?
We ask the President of India to sign the Bill to show us, the people of Karnataka, her good faith; and to the rest of India that she cares about the debt owed by people to the dumb and useful creatures who enrich our lives in uncounted ways. After all, can any of us survive without the cow, cattle and other species? Could we at least spare them the hellish cruelty of merciless slaughter?
She was there when you needed her. Now she needs you.
Thanking you,
Your’s Truly
Sajjan Raj Mehta
President.Jain Yuva Sangathan
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Celebrating jain samvatsari
The devotee of vishnu is called a Vaishnav; the devotee of Shiva is called a Shaiva; the follower of the Buddha is called a Buddhist: the follower of Christ is called a Christain. In the same manner, the follower of Jineshwer is known as a Jain. Hence, this dharma has become current, established and reowned under the name of the Jain dharma. One who follows the path shown by Jineshwer is a Jain.
Such a man is a Jain to whatever nation he may belong; to whatever sect or creed he may belong; in whatever philosophical context he might have been born or brought up. The Jain dharma is not a religious sect or creed. Anyone can adore and follow this dharma irrespective of his caste and creed. This living dharma is meant for all.
Fasting is very common among Jains and as a part of Jain festivals. Most Jains fast at special times, during festivals, and on holy days.Paryushan is the most prominent festival, lasting eight days in Svetambara Jain tradition and ten days in Digambar Jain tradition during themonsoon. The monsoon is a time of fasting. However, a Jain may fast at any time, especially if he or she feels some error has been committed. Variations in fasts encourage Jains to do whatever they can to maintain whatever self control is possible for the individual
Purpose of fasting
Monks, nuns and laity fast as penance and to control desires. Jains believe fasting purifies the body and the mind, reminding one of Mahavir's emphasis on renunciation and asceticism. Mahavir spent months fasting and in contemplation. It is not sufficient simply to stop eating when fasting; the person must also stop wanting to eat. Control over one's mind is a major goal. If one continues to desire food, the fast is fruitless..
Why is fasting essential ?
The body experiences weakness by fasting and hunger but that weakness is not caused by the absence of food but because the unclean stuff is cast off. After the body is purified strength returns to the body. It acquires freshness and agility. In this, there is no wonder. After the foreign, unwanted substances are removed from the body, health naturally appears in it.
Normally, in the body heat is always being produced. hence, there is always a certain degree of heat in the body. In the Jain terminolgy, this process may be given the, Taijas Sharir or Taijas Namkarma. To keep this process of the production of heat continuing, fuel is necessary. Most of the fuel is obtained from the carbohydrates and fats in our food. But during the period of Upavas fasting when the consumption of food has been stopped, the remaining oart of the food gets urnt and assimilated. Hence, during Upavas (fasing period) the fats soon decreases; and like fats the strength of the liver, the spleen and muscless also gets reduced but the brain never grows weak and never sustains even the slightest loss; so we get sound sleep. The thoughts become wholesome and pure. In the begining, the foul stuff found in the body may appear on the tongue; may come out in form of spittle; may cause giddiness etc., but gradually, everything gets all right.
Upavas is useful in getting rid of such diseases as fever, smallpox, measles, asthma, blood pressure, eczema etc. By means of Upavas the children of a doctor in America by name, Edward David, were saved from the dreadful disease of Diphtheria. In his book, The Non-breakfast plan and Fasting Cure, the doctor has written that during illness, it is far better to fast than to take fod or medicines because by that means, health can be soon recovered.
We are all human beings and as human buings the problems,humanity is facing today are our own.As a matter of fact,we ourselves are responsible for their consequences also.It is our earnest duty to ponder over their roots and causes, to suggest their solutions and to make their eradiction..Today we are celebrating SAMVATSARI, and each and every Jain according to his capacity does something towards fasting,swadhyay,samayik,jain readings & pratikraman..By pratikraman he or she asks or begs pardon for the carelessness in his or her movements and for the violence he or she caused to any creature,knowing pretty well that the fruit of non-violence is happiness and well being and that of violence is pain,grief and misery..
Fasting from one fast to 3,8.30& more fasting have been done by many and one of our Jain saint is going to do 95 shortly at Bangalore..If you feel like meeting her ,you can meet or contact who have dofasting for their good for their good..
Sajjan Raj Mehta
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Life does not consist only in the length of our existence on the earth but in the noble and heroic deeds we do.Mere breathing is not life.Life was not given for indolent contemplation and study of self,not for brooding over emotion of piety.Action and action alone determines our worth.We must understand that salvation lies in action;work alone is worship.For a life to worthy of bearing fruit; it should be lived in close alliance with reality.
The problems,challenges and awfully painful circumstances that have cropped up during these 63 years of our Independence testify to the fact that our system and policies have failed to mete out justice to the people of our country.There is an imperative need to re-structure our whole system and policies and we hope that with your active support and participation including regular feedback being provided by you will help us to achieve the desired results..
We must understand that the fruits of labour are sweeter than the gifts of fortune.The best life therefore is lived both in thoughts and deeds.A GENEROUS HEART,KIND SPEECH,A LIFE OF SERVICE & COMPASSION ARE THE THINGS WHICH RENEW HUMANITY..
Sajjan Raj Mehta
Friday, August 13, 2010
Protest against FDI in Retail Trade
9th August- Democracy for Retail Trade
As you are well aware that the Union Government is planning a move to allow FDI in Retail and has recently issued a Discussion Paper on FDI in Retail which has mentioned to remove intermediaries i.e the traders, brokers,agents etc. who are in the chain from producer to consumer. This is very serious issue and will adversaly affect the trading community.
FKCCI is organising a Protest March & Demonstration on 9th August,2010 at GANDHI STATUTE,M.G.ROAD AT 3 PM..we also support this noble cause & request to the authorities to take care of the demands of trade and industry.
We trust that it will receive your immediate attention.
Thanking you. With regards
Sajjan Raj Mehta
Acute shortage pinches traders..deccan herald.14.8.10
Power pangs: Generators expensive with hike in price of petroleum products
Acute shortage pinches traders
Chethan Kumar Bangalore, Aug 13, DHNS
For generation enwrapped by electronic machinery, equipment and gadgets life comes to standstill without power (electricity). Given the fast pace of life, city residents are more prone to frequent power cuts.
For Manoj who runs Ganesh Juice Centre on Cambridge Road in Ulsoor, power cut means loss of money, for home maker Brunda, in Malleswaram, it’s lost time and for Suresh, an internet cafe owner on M G Road, it’s both.
Plagued by shortage of power, Bangaloreans from all walks of life are caught in a fix with many hours of their day lost in the dark. Worries like education of children, interrupted cooking sessions, increase in criminal activity and unsafe neighbourhoods - the problems people attribute to shortage of power are many and varied in nature.
Manoj, for instance, says that with power cuts in the afternoons being a regular feature in Ulsoor over the last two months or so, he loses at least Rs 300-Rs 400 a day. “Most of my customers come during afternoon and with no power I cannot cater to all of them. Even with the generator I lose a lot of money.”
Households in different parts of the City are experiencing a terrible time in the dark. Nagamani, a homemaker with two children says: “Schools are not like earlier. My daughter has homework everyday and invariably the power goes off in the evening. So I have to keep her awake in the afternoon, during her sleep time.”
Speaking to Deccan Herald, a trader in Chickpet and Karnataka Hosiery and Garment Association past president Sajjan Raj Mehta said: “We understand the government has its limitations. But all we need is scientific way of conserving power and also generating more. Power cuts are not the only solutions.” Stating that this is casting a serious impact on traders, he said that the Association is contemplating submitting a representation to Governor H R Bhardwaj.
One question that is doing rounds in the City is why can’t the Opposition leaders give equal importance to the poor power situation in the State as they do to Reddys, if not more.
- Some residential areas like Hanumanthanagar are witnessing power cuts for 8-10 hrs a day.
- Four-five hours of shedding in the commercial area has become common
- With a hike in the prices of petroleum products, using generators is also an expensive affair for small traders & shop owners, also homes
- UPS has its own limitations. If the power cut is for more than two hours or so then it cannot supply power
Monday, July 26, 2010
Inflation is an economic situation which occurs when the prices you get look good and prices you pay look awful.The United Progressive Alliance government had miserably failed to check the skyrocketing prices of food articles and other essential commodities during these years. It is because of wrong economic policies, including allowing futures (forward) trading in essential commodities.The income of 90 per cent of the country's population is getting drastically reduced because of these wrong policies of the UPA-II government, while the benefits of such policies reached only 10 per cent.Hopes were sky-high, when the Congress-led UPA returned to power with a comfortable majority.The negative list probably runs much longer according to me. One is that the economic reforms agenda has remained stalled. One had expected that with a relatively more cohesive coalition in UPA II, the economic reforms agenda would have moved faster and forward but nothing much has happened on that score.Secondly the government's management of inflation has not been very good and despite many measures and efforts inflation continues to run very high. Thirdly, infrastructure bottlenecks continue to plague the economy.On the agriculture side and the PDS especially not much movement has taken place and of course subsidy is a common problem whether it is the oil subsidies or the food subsidies. Fertilizer subsidy, there is some movement and one hopes it will be taken to its logical conclusion the nutrient based subsidy regime.
Government fighting inflation is like the mafia fighting the crime these days.Our present economy is in terrible shape.Thanks to the inflated food prices,Inflated food prices are hard to swallow for a common man.There is one thing we can all say that inflation - it has completely eliminated the generation gap - we are all crying like babies.There is a vast difference between growth and inflation.Inflation has created a new law of gravity-what goes up gets us down..Trying to curb the inflation by reducing subsidies or raising the taxes is like giving a drunk another drink to sober him up.Increasing taxes to stop inflation makes about as much sense as fanning a fire to cool its heat.How much better off we all would be if quality or equality of living were inflated instead of prices.Thanks to the inflation or dearness we are suffering,it is costing more than ever to live beyond our means.With food,rent,petrol and gas prices so high,when you balance the budget,there is nothing left to budget the balance.
If the Government can't win a war against the unnecessary inflation-than who ? Better act instantly against the culprit before it is too late.You can take the trade and industries support,who are more than willing to support in this noble cause but you have to take the lead and act against the black sheeps immediately.It should not matter how big or influential he is.In a welfare state no individual or group of individuals can be allowed to pursue its own good.They will have to submit some sort of nationailisation either complete or partial.The Government is the best judge of the requirements of the nation. It will be all over for the Government.the day they have the mentality of a business man.Government's motto solely should be to safeguard the common man from the unjustified hardships any cost.
"The concept of the welfare state implies a coalition of the Government of the people in such a way as to enable the two components to travel hand in hand each complimenting the other's efforts for the the promotion of the common objective."SHRI JAWAHAR LAL NEHRU..
The last one year has been truly testing. Global economic turmoil, rising naxal threat and charges of corruption have forced the government into a corner.General trader,public and farmer is unhappy with the policies & poor implementation of the programmes announced.Effective and perfect co-ordination between the Central and State Governments will be quite handy.
Hope & trust that effective governing will be on the agenda of the UPA GOVT otherwise warning antennas needs to be on for them.
Sajjan Raj Mehta
Thursday, July 1, 2010
MARKS 574 NAME: MINAL S MEHTA COLLEGE: CHRIST COLLEGE STREAM: COMMERCE OPINION: 100% concentration in class is absolutely necessary. Revise the day’s lessons. Prepare your own notes, apart from teachers’ notes FUTURE: Aiming to be chartered accountant, preparing for CPT
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
महंगाई ने जनता की कमर तोड़ी
.पेट्रोल और डीजल के दामो में अनावश्यक बढ़ोतरी ने जाने-अनजाने में आग में घी का काम किया है, और यही कारण है की विपक्ष ही नहीं,साझा दल भी सरकार के विरोध में खड़े होने को आतुर है..जहाँ का राजा व्यापारी वहां की प्रजा भिखारी वाली कहावत सटीक लगती है क्योकि सरकार जानती है कि फिलहाल चुनाव है नहीं,तो किस बात की रेवडिया बांटी जाए ..पेट्रोल -डीजल के दामो से प्रत्यक्ष रूप से हर वस्तु के भाव आसमान छुने लगे है पर सरकार के कानो पर जूं तक नहीं रेंग रही है.शायद नकेल कसने कि जरुरत है..
आशा है, कि सरकार समय रहते चेतेगी वरना जनता जनार्दन को ही उन्हें आन्दोलन के मार्फत मजबूर करना होगा.जब- जब भी जनता ने जरुरत से ज्यादा नाइंसाफी का सामना किया है ,सरकार को कुछ अंतराल के बाद ही सही, पर दूरगामी परिणाम भुगतने पड़े है और विपक्षी दलों के साथ मिडिया, और जागरुक संगठनो के सहयोग का समावेश इसमें वांछित सफलता उपलब्ध करा सकता है.आपसी विचार विमर्श और निर्णयों में भागीदारी उपलब्ध कराकर सरकार खोयी हुई इज्जत प्राप्त कर सकती है..इस बार की बढ़ी दरों के विरोध में आयोजित भारत बंद का पूर्ण समर्थन शायद सरकार की सुप्त चेतना को जाग्रत करने में सफल हो, यही शुभेच्छा है..
सज्जन राज मेहता
सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता..बंगलोर
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Emotional moments were maximum available when four women converted themselves as sadhvis to serve the mankind and work for the welfare of non-violence,communal harmony and teaching the basics of humanity or brotherhood without any selfish motive and left their parents and the family thus devoted themselves to the community..Thousands of people present they had tears in their eyes & were saluting the simplicity of these women in the modern era where young generation of their age are having everything they desire..
Four Women (Manju Daga from Jaipur,Shilpa Srisrimal from Shimoga,Shilpa Bagrecha from Koppal & Preeti Kanunga from Hubli ) of Jain Community have taken DEEKSHA (A VOW TO RENOUNCE THE WORLDLY PLEASURES AND LEAD A LIFE OF AUSTERITY) on 15.5.10 at 12.15 pm approx at Maratha Hostel under the banner of SHREE JAIN RATNA HITESHI SHRAVAK SANGH BANGALORE AND UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF MAHASATI SRI GYANLATAJI SADHVIJI & THEIR FELLOW SADHVIS WITH THE BLESSING OF OUR ACHARYA SRI HEERA CHANDRAJI MAHARAJ SAHIB.
Earlier,at 10 am they were brought to the venue at Bull Temple Road in the specially arranged Horse-carts which were having two horses each and band party with lot of their followers in colourful dresses.Mahasati sri Gyanlataji & their group of total seven sadhvis did the ceremony by chanting mantras and took the permission of their family members,parents & jain sangha members before that.Afer the ceremony their renounciation is total which means they are completely detached from the social and worldly activities and they do not take any part in those activities anymore. Instead, they spend their time spiritual uplifting their souls and guiding householders such as ourselves how to uplift our souls.They took five major vows and will act strictly in accordance with those vows. The five great vows are
1.Vow of absolute non-violence
2. Vow of absolute truthfulness
.3) Vow of absolute Non-stealing
4) Vow of absolute Celibacy
5) Vow of absolute Non-attachment.
Sajjan Raj Mehta
An attack on media coverage truly shows in what direction the country is heading..I still really worry about the freedom of expression.Any policies, comments or action to silent the press are unhealthy for the Indian democracy & needs to be checked and deal ed with..JOURNALISM is one of the strongest pillar of the democracy and no one should dare to stop the strongest articles on evils of the Government or any kind of misdeeds..I condemn any sort of attack on press and culprits should be duly punished..
Keep it up..Patrika knows its job...
Thanking You
Sajjan Raj Mehta
social worker..bangalore
नक्शालियों के एक और हमले में
Monday, May 31, 2010
The United Progressive Alliance government had miserably failed to check the skyrocketing prices of food articles and other essential commodities during the first year of its stay in power. This was because of wrong economic policies, including allowing futures (forward) trading in essential commodities.The income of 90 per cent of the country's population is getting drastically reduced because of these wrong policies of the UPA-II government, while the benefits of such policies reached only 10 per cent.Hopes were sky-high, when the Congress-led UPA returned to power with a comfortable majority.The negative list probably runs much longer according to me. One is that the economic reforms agenda has remained stalled. One had expected that with a relatively more cohesive coalition in UPA II, the economic reforms agenda would have moved faster and forward. But nothing much has happened on that score.Secondly the government's management of inflation has not been very good and despite many measures and efforts inflation continues to run very high. Thirdly, infrastructure bottlenecks continue to plague the economy. Not much has been done on the power sector.On the agriculture side and the PDS especially not much movement has taken place and of course subsidy is a common problem whether it is the oil subsidies or the food subsidies. Fertilizer subsidy, there is some movement and one hopes it will be taken to its logical conclusion the nutrient based subsidy regime.
The last one year has been truly testing. Global economic turmoil, rising naxal threat and charges of corruption have forced the government into a corner.General trader,public and farmer is unhappy with the policies & poor implementation of the programmes announced.
Hope & trust that effective governing will be on the agenda of the UPA GOVT otherwise warning antennas needs to be on for them.
Sajjan Raj Mehta
Sajjan Raj Mehta
Monday, May 17, 2010
Acharya Mahapragya was one of the most celebrated Jain thinkers of the world and was the tenth Acharya of the Jain Shwetamber terapanth sect…Born in 1920 in a village in Rajasthan,he became a monk at the age of 10..He got his education under the guidance of Acharya Sri Tulasi,who launched the anuvrat movement in 1949 to rid the world of violene and hatred and free religion from sectarianism..Acharya Mahapragya was a prolific writer..FORMER PRESIDENT SRI A.P.J.ABDUL KALAM IS ONE OF HIS BEST ADMIRERS AND FOLLOWERS.ACHARYA MAHAPRAGYA WAS AWARDED WITH THE COMMUNAL HARMONY AWARD IN 2004 FOR HIS CONTRIBUTION IN THIS FIELD..
Acharya Mahapragya is a fount of knowledge who purifies every soul that comes into contact with him..
Sajjan Raj Mehta
Saturday, May 15, 2010
.उनके बिरले व्यक्तित्व को नमन.
उनकी कमी की क्षतिपूर्ति असंभव है..उनके बिरले व्यक्तित्व को नमन..उनकी आत्मा शिघ्रती-शीघ्र सदगति को प्राप्त हो, यही शुभेच्छा है..
सज्जन राज मेहता
सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता,बन्गलोर
Jain Monks and nuns
Jain Monks and nuns
When a person renounces the worldly life and all the attachments, and is initiated into monkshood or nunhood, the man is called Sadhu or Muni and the woman is called Sadhvi..Their renunciation is total which means they are completely detached from the social and worldly activities and they do not take any part in those activities anymore. Instead, they spend their time spiritual uplifting their souls and guiding householders such as ourselves how to uplift our souls.
When they get initiated into the life of Sadhus and Sadhvis, they take five major vows and act strictly in accordance with those vows. The five great vows are:
1) Vow of absolute Non-violence.
First vow means sadhu and sadhvis will never cause harm or violence to any living being including even the tiniest creatures.
2) Vow of absolute Truthfulness
Second vow means they will not lie.
3) Vow of absolute Non-stealing
Third vow means without the permission of the owner they will not take anything from anywhere.
4) Vow of absolute Celibacy
Fourth vow means they have to observe the celibacy with an absolute adherence to it. The sadhu or sadhvis should not even touch a member of the opposite sex regardless of their age.
5) Vow of absolute Non-attachment.
Fifth vow means they do not possess anything and do not have any attachment for things they keep for their daily needs.
In summary, while taking these vows, they say, "O Lord Arihant! I will not commit the sins of violence, express falsehood, steal and enjoy sensual pleasures, or be possessive, by speech, thought or deed; nor will I assist or order anyone to commit these sins. I will not approve or endorse anyone committing such sins. Oh Lord! I hereby take a sacred and solemn vow that throughout my life, I will follow these five major vows and strictly follow the code of conduct laid out for a sadhu and a sadhvi."
Therefore, Jain Sadhus and Sadhvis never cause harm or violence to any living being. They live according to the pledge that they do not harm even the tiniest creatures. They always speak the absolute truth. They do not lie on account of fear, desire, anger or deceptive intentions. Without the permission of the owner, they do not take even the smallest thing such as a straw. They observe the vow of celibacy with an absolute adherence to it. They will not touch the members of the opposite sex, even a child. In case the members of the opposite sex either touch them by mistake or in ignorance, they have to undergo the ritual of repentance (Prayashchitta) for self-purification. Jain Sadhus should not keep money with them. They will not own or have any control on any wealth, houses, any such movable or immovable property or organization. They will limit their necessities to the lowest limit and apart from these limits they should not have any attachments.
Some special rules of conduct for sadhus and sadhvis:
The Jain sadhus or sadhvis do not take food or water after the sunset or before sunrise. They wait 48 minutes after the sun-rise before even drinking boiled water. Under any circumstance, they do not eat or drink anything between the hours of sunset and sunrise.
Gochari (Alm): Jain sadhus/sadhvis do not cook their food, do not get it prepared for them, or do not accept any food which was prepared for them. They go to different householders that are Jains or vegetarians and receive a little food from each house. This practice is called Gochari. Just as cows graze the top part of grass moving from place to place, taking a little at one place and a little at another, in the same way Jain Monks and Nuns do not take all the food from one house. They collect it from various houses. The reason Jain Sadhus/sadhvis accept a little food and not all the food from one house is because this way the householders do not have to cook again. The cooking process involves much violence in the form of fire, vegetable chopping, water consumption, etc., and sadhus or sadhvis do not want to be the part of any violence due to their needs. They do not receive food standing outside the house; but they go inside the house where food is cooked or kept. This way they can understand the situation that their accepting food would not make the householders to cook again. They accept food which is within the limit of their vows.
Vihar: They always walk with bare feet. When they travel from one place to another, whatever may be the distance they always go walking. They do not use any vehicle like bullock cart, car, boat, ship or plane for traveling. Whether it is cold weather or scorching sun; whether the road is stony or thorny; whether it is the burning sand of a desert or a burning road, they do not wear any foot-wear at any time. They move about on bare foot all their life. The reason for not wearing shoes is while walking, they can avoid crushing the bugs or insects on the ground. While going places, they preach the religion (Dharma), and provide proper spiritual guidance to people. They do not stay more than a few days in any one place except during the rainy season which is about four months in duration. The sadhus and sadhvis travel after sunrise & before sunset only.. The place where they stay is called Upashray or Paushadh Shala. They may stay in places other than the Upashrayas if those places are suitable to the practice of their disciplined life and if they do not disturb or impede the code of conduct. The reason they do not stay anywhere permanently or for a longer period in one place is to avoid developing attachment for material things and the people around them.
Loch: The Jain S�dhus and Sadhvis after receiving the Diksha (initiation) do not cut their hair or shave their heads; nor do they get these things done by a barber. But twice a year or at least once a year at the time of Paryushan, they pluck off their hairs or they get the hairs plucked by others. This is called Keshlochan or Loch. This way they are not dependent on others to carry out their needs. It is also considered as one kind of austerity where one bares the pain of plucking of the hairs calmly.
Clothing: They always wear un-stitched or minimally stitched white clothes. Some Jain sadhus do not wear the clothes. A loin cloth which reaches up to the shins is called a Cholapattak. Another cloth to cover the upper part of the body is called Pangarani (Uttariya Vastra). A cloth that passes over the left shoulder and covers the body up to a little above the ankle is called a K�mli. K�mli is a woolen shawl. They also carry a woolen bed sheet and a woolen mat to sit on. Those who wear clothes have a muhapati a square or rectangular piece of cloth of a prescribed measurement either in their hand or tied on their face covering the mouth. They also have Ogho or Rajoharan (a broom of woolen threads) to clean insects around their sitting place or while they are walking. Sadhus who do not wear any clothes have morpichhi and kamandal in their hands. These are the articles by which they can be distinguished. This practice may vary among different sects of Jains but essential principle remains the same to limit needs.
They bestow their blessings on all, uttering the words Dharm Labh (may you attain spiritual prosperity). They bless everyone alike irrespective of their caste, creed. sex, age, wealth, poverty, high, or low social status. Some put Vakshep (scented sandal dust) on the heads of people. Monks and nuns show the path of wholesome life and of a righteous and disciplined life to every one through the media of discussions, discourses, seminars and camps to attain spiritual prosperity.
The entire life of sadhus/sadhvis is directed towards the welfare of their souls. All the activities of their life have only one aim, namely, self-purification for self- realization. For the attainment of this objective, besides following laid down guidelines they perform the pratikraman daily, and perform other austerities.
Conferring a title:
The Jain sadhus, after being initiated that is, after receiving the diksha become immersed in such activities as meditation, seeking knowledge, acquiring self-discipline etc. Proceeding on the path of spiritual endeavor, when they reach a higher level of attainment, their spiritual elders, for the preservation of the four-fold Jain Sangh, confer upon them some special titles.
The Title of Acharya: This title is considered to be very high and involves a great responsibility. The entire responsibility of the Jain Sangh rests on the shoulders of the acharya. Before attaining this title, one has to make an in-depth study and a thorough exploration of the Jain Agams and attain mastery of them. One must also study the various languages of the surrounding territory and have acquired a through knowledge of all the philosophies of the world related to different ideologies and religions.
The Title of Upadhyay: This title is given to a sadhu who teaches all the sadhus and sadhvis, and has acquired a specialized knowledge of the Agams (Scriptures).
The Title of Panyas and Gani: To secure this title, one should have acquired an in-depth knowledge of all the Jain agams. To attain the status of Ganipad one should have a knowledge of the Bhagawati Sutra and to attain the Panyas-pad one should have attained a comprehensive knowledge of all the aspects of the agams.
The Jain sadhus, on account of the mode of their life, are unique among all the monks. The entire life of Sadhus and Sadhvis is dedicated to spiritual welfare of their souls; all their objectives, and all their activities are directed towards elevating their souls to the Paramatma-dasha, the state of the Supreme Soul.
Above discription is related to Svetambar Monks..
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Minal Mehta has secured 95.66% in P U C 2nd year.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Levy on garment industry The Hindu in 2003
Levy on garment industry The Hindu in 2003
Our Bureau
Various garment bodies have appealed to the Union Finance Minister, Mr Jaswant Singh, to remove the levy.
THE garment trade and industry is in turmoil over the Budget proposal removing SSI exemption on garment for excise duty with effect from April 1 this year.
It says the move would be fatal to the domestic garment sector, killing several small and mid-sized units and create large-scale unemployment.
Various garment bodies have appealed to the Union Finance Minister, Mr Jaswant Singh, to remove the levy. They plan to go on a one-day protest closure against the imposition.
Mr Anurag Singhla, Chairman (Taxation), Karnataka Hosiery and Garment Association, said withdrawal of SSI exemption would push up the prices of readymade garments.
The levy will benefit big brands at whose behest it has been imposed, and will slowly choke traditional Indian industry and their tiny stitching units for lack of excise registration, he said.
Mr Ram T. Harpalani, President of the South India Garments Association, said the Rs 3-crore limit on SSI exemption should be re-introduced to avert the disastrous implications of the levy.
"When SSI exemption has been given to many luxury items like cosmetics, ACs, watches etc, it is unfair to single out basic necessities like garments. The raw materials like fabric, yarn, thread, buttons and zips are subject to excise duty and there is no justification in levying extra excise for stitching," according to Mr Sajjan Raj Mehta, Association Secretary. Faced with cheap imports from Thailand, China and Hong Kong, local goods would lose their markets, he said.
Bellary in northern Karnataka has over 10,000 families - mostly poor women — dependent on the garment industry.
"The move is a deathblow to small manufacturing units and would create large scale unemployment in rural areas," according to Mr Babulal, Secretary, Bellary Garment Manufacturers' Association.
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Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Thieves chop off man's hand, docs attach it again
TNN, Apr 27, 2010, 03.13am IST
BANGALORE: In a bizarre attack, strangers chopped off Bharath B Jain's left hand at the wrist on Sunday night when he was talking on his cellphone in Mamoolpet area in City Market police limits.
Bharath, a native of Rajasthan, stays with his cousin Lalith Kumar M Jain in Mamoolpet and works in his jewellery shop. Around 9 pm, when Bharath was talking on the phone in front of his house on Ganjamath Lane, two men suddenly attacked him with knives and fled.
Kunda Ram, another worker at the shop, raised an alarm and Bharath was taken to St Martha's Hospital. Around midnight, he was shifted to St John's Hospital where doctors on Monday performed a major surgery to reattach the hand. Hospital authorities said his condition was stable. "The next ten days are critical as the arteries could stop functioning at any point of time. At the moment, the hand is fine,'' they said.
While police are clueless about the attack, it triggered anger in the locality. Sajjan Raj Mehta, former president of Karnataka Hosiery and Garments Association, and several concerned citizens from the area met DCP West B Shivakumar. Mehta said it was an attempted robbery: "There has been chain snatching and mobile snatching in the area over the past month. This was probably one such incident," he said.
Lalith Jain said there was no other motive. "There are no streetlights in our area and it's not safe at all. There's no regular police patrolling which makes it easy for thugs to attack hapless people,'' he said.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Always on a Sunday..stori in times
TNN, May 5, 2009, 12.04am IST
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Bangalore: For over thirty years, the Sunday Bazaar has been buzzing with buyers and sellers trying to strike a good deal. There's almost anything and everything available at unbelievable prices. It could be an antique piece of furniture, utensils, electronic goods -- name it and you can get it.
It's one of the most congested weekend street markets in the city, with devoted followers who turn up without fail. Every city has such a market, and it's a way of life for many despite the unorganized set-up. It's the huge demand that's kept it in circulation even into the new millennium.
Now, following a one-off incident, the threat of closure looms large over the bazaar. Should a stray crime case be the reason for ending a wonderful part of the city's heritage?
While the police cite problems with sale of smuggled goods that goes on unchecked here, a few traders also now feel the pinch of this unregulated market space. `There's nothing regular about it. If not close it, at least find a way to regulate it' is their argument.
According to Sajjan Raj Mehta, president, Karnataka Hosiery and Garment Association, the market has not affected much of the regular market in Chickpet as 90% of the wholesale market here is closed on Sundays. However, it's highly congested and unorganized, he says.
"It needn't be closed completely, but we should look at bringing about a few regulations -- the unchecked sale of arms & ammunitions, traffic congestion and taking the traders at the bazaar into confidence. We must look at tackling it. While a few roads like B V K Iyengar Road remain safe, others like A S Achar Street get completely blocked. We must look at a way out, like shifting it to vacant land nearby. Alongside, a few cops to check on the goods sold here would be good,'' Sajjan told TOI.
"It has to be closed,'' insists Labh Chand Mehta, who has been seeing it happen right in front of his shop for many years. "I cannot even imagine entering my office for any work on Sundays. Why should we have a market selling smuggled and stolen goods when there are shops almost everywhere paying tax and selling genuine goods?'' he asks.
Down memory lane
It's been a bustling market in the old business district, selling almost anything and everything for almost three decades now -- scrap to spares, electronics, plumbing material, plastics and even clothes, to name a few.
The market begins sharp 8 am every Sunday and goes on till 6, maybe 7 pm. It's believed to have begun more than 30 years ago with a few traders trying to hawk old stuff in one of Sultanpet's little bylanes. Slowly, it spread to other streets and outwards and now encompasses Sultanpet, Cottonpet, Chickpet, A S Achar Street, Akkipet, Avenue Road, Old Taragupet, Gundopanth Street and parts of B V K Iyengar Road. But the most crowded place is the road leading down from Chickpet police station and bylanes running off it. But, with 90% of the wholesale market in Chickpet closed on Sundays, it hasn't affected the regular traders there much.
This is clearly a law & order issue. However, in general, the laws are very clear against selling anything on the roads and footpaths. But such street markets crop up in areas with a floating population and continue to flourish due to the demand. We had been asked to find alternative locations for `legal hawking zones' but finding space has been the main issue for us to regulate the street markets.
Govindraju, joint commissioner (markets), BBMP
The city police say there's no concrete decision to ban Sunday bazaar. Additional commissioner of police (law & order) M R Pujar said there was some `wild thinking' on banning it. "It's a place where anyone can sell anything and there is no regulation. But, we have not decided on anything,'' he added.
CityClothes you can’t wear..STORY IN BANGALORE MIRROR
Garment factories produce thousands of shirts hoping netas would place orders for LS polls. But EC ban on garments with party symbols has upset their calculations
Suchith Kidiyoor
Posted On Friday, March 20, 2009 at 12:08:59 AM
Election Commission’s ban on shirts and T-shirts with party symbols and slogans for campaigning in the coming Lok Sabha polls has come as a blow to the garment industry in Bangalore.
The EC’s ban came into force in the assembly elections in Karnataka last year. The recession-hit garment factories have now decided to write to the EC requesting it to withdraw the ban in the coming Lok Sabha elections.
Karnataka Hosiery and Garment Association President Sajjan Raj Mehta says, “During elections many political parties and even independent candidates order shirts and T-shirts on which their party slogans and symbols are printed. Garments factories produced a large amount of plain shirts and T-shirts expecting huge orders. If plain shirts and T-shirts are ready it takes less time to print party slogans, symbols and photos of candidates on them.”
Cheap gifts
In the last Lok Sabha elections each candidate reportedly purchased between 15,000 and 20,000 shirts and T-shirts. These garments doubled as cheap mode of publicity as well as inexpensive gifts for middle class and lower income group voters.
Garment supplier Vikas says, “Due to recession many companies have stopped ordering shirts and T-shirts. We had great hope that political parties will give huge orders during elections but the decision of Election Commission has shattered all hopes.”
During elections garment factories in the city produce three qualities of shirts and T-shirts to suit the budgets of political parties. Low quality T-shirts cost Rs 35, average quality Rs 45 and high quality Rs 150-175. High quality T-shirts are used by a party’s executive members and volunteers when they go on door-to-door campaign.
Last-minute orders
“Last year, JD(S) ordered 8,000 T-shirts and BJP 15,000. Congress approached us to manufacture 10,000 T-shirts but we could not as we had enough orders. This year there are no signs of getting orders. We manufactured plain T-shirts thinking that we will get last-minute orders,” Vikas says.
“Distributing T-shirts is not as offensive as distributing liquor. These garments are used by party workers for campaigning. By banning T-shirts the Election Commission is forcing political parties to resort to steps like distributing liquor,” says a garment maker, who does not wish to be named.
Garment workers battle recession..STORY IN TIMES OF INDIA
Meltdown Woes Are Here: Factories Shut Shop, Exporter’s Family Driven To Suicide Pact Many Out Of Jobs, May Result In Reverse Migration
Deepa Bhasthi | TNN
Bangalore: Recession and meltdown are alien terms to the thousands of women garment workers, who only understand there is some catalyst that could shatter the course of their fragile livelihood. The ‘globalized sector’ that employs them has been hit, with international customers cancelling or at least going easy on orders.
The big ones are seeing the fire at a distance, but small and medium factories are burning. Talk is rife about several factories closing and hundreds, maybe thousands, being out of job, but not many are willing to talk.
S Bhanuprakash, joint secretary, Peenya Industries Association, told The Times of India several small garment factories had shut shop due to recession and the severe slowdown in orders. There were reports of a major exporter closing down a few sections in the factory. Bhanuprakash said while it was not possible to plug a number to how many factories had closed, it was likely that small units had been affected.
Peenya Industrial Area alone has lakhs of women who walk to work early every morning, huddle over tiny tables all day long in cloistered, almost airless rooms, and face abuse at the hands of supervisors. The most talented earn about Rs 4,000 a month, a majority barely enough for dignified existence.
Impossible production targets and lack of benefits further marginalizes them. Crime rate is high but goes unreported. In several cases, the woman is the only breadwinner, tied down to employers’ mercy.
The number of women — who constitute the majority of garment workers — who have lost jobs or stand to lose, is in multiples of 30. “Every batch has 30 workers. So even if 10 batches of workers have lost their jobs, it affects 300 women and their families who, in several cases, depend on their salaries,” added Bhanuprakash.
Factory owners deny rumours
Rajan Hinduja, managing director, Gokuldas Exports, said he had not closed a single unit. “I have full orders till February and recession has not affected us. Maybe smaller units have been hit.”
Admitting there was a reduction of 20-25% in orders, Sajjan Raj Mehta, president of Karnataka Hosiery and Garment Association, however, said not a single factory was on the verge of closing. “The trading sector has been affected and clients are being extra-cautious, but full orders are coming in. The inner wear section is doing well too,” he added.
Salim, another manufacturer, said all factories had full orders for the current season, till January-February. The effect will be known only after that.
Reverse migration likely?
Cities are where big dreams are born, and often killed. Post the agrarian crisis in rural Karnataka, lakhs of families set up home on the fringes of the metro, hoping to eke out something more dignified than what their villages had in store. Recession and its ripple effect is driving them back.
Residents in neighbourhoods are no longer short of cooks, maids and helpers. Shabanaz, a homemaker in Peenya, said her domestic help was laid off work at a factory. Many are set to close by January-end, the maid says. Kalpana’s migrant family from Nanjangud is seriously considering going back to their fields. “At least we can try to cultivate our fields there than starve here,” she says grimly.
For many others, even going back is not an option. They are looking out for jobs as domestic help, cooks and others, which could mean a reduction in income. But when hunger speaks, and children are crying at home, these women cannot help but choose the trodden path.
After collapse of sector in Surat and
Tirupur, garment industry moved
to Bangalore outskirts
910 registered factories employ
around 3.55 lakh workers, mostly
Workers mainly from migrant families from interior Karnataka
2,004 cases and counting, in the past 10 months Depression, abuse, helplessness are some of the prime factors According to National Crimes Record Bureau (NCRB), Bangalore’s population has risen by 19% in past decade, and suicide rate by 8% Last year, more than 1 lakh suicide cases were reported in India As most elders don’t have old-age plans, financial instability poses a big risk, becoming a potential suicide trigger and is high among elderly citizens NCRB suicide clock records 96 suicide cases per day by those aged 45 and above
2006: Male 1302; female 706 2007: Male 1575; female 855 2008*: Male 1327; female 677 (* till October 31)
2008 BREAK-UP AND HOW Hanging: Male 484; female 297 Poisoning: Male 217; female 83 Burning: Male 119; female 174 Drowning: Male 49; female 17 Others: Male 458; female 106 In 2007, 19.7% of those who ended life were homemakers
‘State set to climb to top slot in hosiery trade’ in THE HINDE ON 6.3.2008
‘State set to climb to top slot in hosiery trade’
Special Correspondent
Karnataka Hosiery and Garment Association portal launched
BANGALORE: The Karnataka Hosiery and Garment Association, headquartered here, is bracing up for launching the cluster development approach. This will bring Karnataka back into the prime position in the hosiery and garment trade, particularly when the industry in the State is showing signs of stabilisation in both cost effectiveness and expansion of market.
Speaking to presspersons on the sidelines of a function to launch the portal of the association, President of the Association Sajjan Raj Mehta said here on Wednesday that after Value Added Tax (VAT) was introduced in the country, the trade environment was changing for the better. He said Karnataka still enjoyed prime position in the hosiery trade despite the migration of the trade to Kerala and Tamil Nadu. With the cluster approach, the State would emerge as a leader in the trade, he said.
He said particularly after the recent rupee appreciation, the large-scale hosiery and garment exporters and wholesalers were turning to retail and local markets, which has become extremely competitive. This condition was in fact advantageous for the trade and to the larger sections of the industry. Mr. Mehta stated that it improved the quality of the garment, making it affordable to consumers.
Earlier, former minister and MLC H.K. Patil launched the portal .
The new portal is
StateRs 40-crore viagra for apparel in bangalore mirror
The allocation could help small units survive and compete better
Posted On Friday, February 20, 2009 at 11:35:09 PM
With the government providing a budgetary boost to readymade apparel clusters in the state, the readymade sector is set to see more competition and correspondingly more choices for the end-buyer.
A total of Rs 40 crore has been sanctioned to provide basic facilities in each cluster. There are more than 1,500 garment
production centres in and around Bangalore, employing more than 5 lakh people.
According to garment industry sources, this would result in more employment and greater collective efficiency. “After agriculture, the garment industry absorbs the maximum number of people, especially women. So the funding is laudable,” said Sajjan Raj Mehta, president, Karnataka Hosiery and Garment Association.
Centre happy
The ministry of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) too is happy with the state government’s decision. “After the global meltdown, the cluster programme is crucial to the garment industry. I thank the government for supporting us. Apart from this, our own schemes will contribute to the growth of the industry,” said Gopinath Rao, Assistant Director, MSME, Government of India.
But all were not happy. “The government has said it will provide 20 per cent equity capital under the ‘Karnataka Suvarna Vastra Neethi’. But this is only for firms located outside Bangalore. It should be available to firms in and around Bangalore too,” said Pandu Ranga, committee member, Clothing Manufacturers Association India. BMB
Ministers feel citizen fury at meeting on property tax
Ministers feel citizen fury at meeting on property tax
Minister Katta Subramanya Naidu pacified citizens at an intense BBMP public meeting on 15 July saying that the state government had not made up its mind on the status of the CVS-based property tax scheme.
On 15 July 2008, more than 200 people stood outside the Ravindra Kalakshetra on J C Road, holding placards that read 'scrap CVS' and other similar slogans for improper property taxes. This was the scene in a public interaction meeting organised by the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) to discuss issues relating to property tax assessment and the vexed Sakrama law.
Citizen interaction proceeding in a crowded auditorium. Pic: Author.
Present in the meeting were R Ashoka, Transport Minister, Katta Subramanya Naidu, excise and IT BT minister and Shobha Karandalaje, minister for Rural development and Panchayati Raj. Along with them were S Subramanya, Commissioner BBMP, H Siddhai, Commissioner, BDA, Dilip Rau, ex BBMP Commissioner and other officials and MLAs.
Earlier this year, the BBMP had attempted to implement both the capital value assessment (CVS) scheme for property tax and the Sakrama scheme for regularising unauthorised constructions. Citizens had risen in protest against the both the schemes; they stated that public opinion was never taken into consideration. BBMP wanted to bring in CVS to increase its tax collection.
The gathering of citizens stood with endless questions and unrest in front of the auditorium even before the meeting started. People were pointing implementing CVS or Sakrama would increase more corrupt practices than solving them. Many property owners will be forced to pay lakhs of rupees as property tax under the capital value system (CVS) as against Rs.10,000 being paid under the annual rateable value(ARV) based system, they said.
Katta Subramanya Naidu discussing with R Ashok while Shobha Karandalaje looks around. Pic: Author.
"We just want them to scrap the CVS scheme and Sakrama, that is the only way this government can sustain. It is sheer fooling the citizens by coming up with unclear policies," said N S Mukunda, President of Citizens' Action Forum. He also said that the meeting itself is a productive step and hoped that it would bring good results.
However, the fact that people were given entry only on invitation was not liked by anyone and after a lot of argument entry was open for all. "If it is an interaction session with the public then how can they call on invitation, what is the basis of the invitation, who decides whom to call?" questioned Mukunda.
Citizens and residents association members had started gathering from 9am itself. The meeting began at 11.00am; it was originally slated to begin 10.30 am. The citizens wanted to welcome the ministers with placrads and wide participation. The hall was full when the meeting began. Residents' welfare associations who were eager to put forth their suggestions and express their anger on the property tax assessments.
As is conventional at such meetings the ministers and officials sat on stage. Citizens took turns going to the podium to raise their questions or grievances. Not all could get a chance to put their views in front of the ministers. To all those who expressed their concern, R Ashoka responded by saying that he will take into consideration all the suggestions of the citizens.
"I have opposed CVS even before election with different residential welfare associations. My stand has not changed even now," he added.
There were suggestions to introduce the Annual Rateable Value (ARV) system throughout the state by amending the relevant provision law. The discussion mainly happened around CVS, and a lot of residents suggested that such discussions be held in assembly constituencies as well. The ministers agreed.
On Sakrama, Sujatha Bhaskar, president, South Indian Women Entrepreneurs Association, Indiranagar said, "I was the first one to start the protest against Sakrama on M G Road. I am glad that at least there is awareness and people are raising voice against this."
There were many doubts in citizens' minds. "Why do the BBMP or the BDA and other civic bodies not have any details of all the property under its jurisdiction and why 60 per cent are not under assessment of taxes?" asked one of agitated citizens to the BBMP Commissioner Subramanya. The BDA was also accused of failing to meet the demand for allotting sites, which has led people to buy revenue sites or sites in unauthorised layouts.
Citizen interaction proceeding in a crowded auditorium. Pic: Author.
Similar questions kept pouring in throughout the meeting. "CVS is going to increase corruption," said Sajjan Raj Mehata, President, Karnataka Hosiery and Garment Association who is in favour of scrapping the policy.
Minister Katta Subramanya Naidu though pacified the citizens by saying, "We would not have convened this meeting if we wanted to introduce CVS." The politicians were patient in listening to the grievances and suggestions. They promised to revise the Sakrama scheme and also even reduce the rates of the capital value.
People were satisfied by voicing their opinions and getting feedback from the ministers. As goes for all such meetings, even this time while there was positive feeling at the end of the meeting, citizens will have to wait and watch.